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  1. Fantastic, thank you vickieito 😃
  2. Hi folks I've got a buyer with a genuine reason for extending the review period for an order I've just delivered, but they are a Fiverr newbie and I've haven't bought anything from a Fiverr seller since the review period extension feature was implemented. As there's no FAQ question that I can find about how buyers can extend the review period, could someone post a quick instruction on how they extend their review time, or a screenshot showing where they need to go from the order page? Much appreciated!!!
  3. Completely agree. I'm waiting to see how this plays out but have already started investigating other potential sources of income in case my Fiverr income dwindles. I'm in the slightly fortunate position that Fiverr provides a significant percentage of my income but it is not my only source of work. I know so many others are entirely dependent on Fiverr for their household funds, so this must be a devastating process to put them through!
  4. Yep, I'm in the same boat (but not the same scale of business). I have three active gigs, that a few days ago were rated 8, 6 and 5, which was enough to drop me from a Level 2, qualifying for TRS, back to Level 1. Since then, I've completed three orders and delivered an extra one. All three completed orders received five star reviews and promises to come back with more work soon, and one passed on my details to their colleagues, who placed a much bigger order (the current delivered but not yet completed order, which was delivered 3 days ahead of schedule). They are reviewing the order now but have also sent extremely positive messages saying that they like what I have done ("Amazing, thank you sooo much! Already looks so amazing. You are so talented!") which seems pretty crystal clear to me that there's no issue with my work. And yet, overnight my success scores have dropped to 7, 5 and 5. I don't see how I could have done anything more successfully. My only consolation is that we all seem to be in the same boat and suffering through this together!!
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