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  1. Hello, your tech support thought that I created two accounts on fiverr and then I was blocked. I ask you to sort out this issue, as I did not create a second account, I worked only under one account. I believe that the blocking was wrong. I am ready to provide any necessary information or documentation to consider my case. Thank you for your attention and prompt response. I hope for a quick and positive resolution to this situation. Sincerely, [shopify_onz]
  2. Good afternoon, my account is shopify_onz I am contacting Fiverr support to ask for help in dealing with the situation regarding the blocking of my account. I'm sure it happened by mistake and would like to know more about the reason for the blocking and resolve the issue. My Fiverr account is my primary tool for working and communicating with clients, and the lockout is causing me considerable inconvenience. I greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to resolving the situation soon. Please let me know what additional steps I should take to help you resolve this issue. I am willing to provide any necessary information or documentation to review my case. Thank you for your consideration and prompt response. I look forward to a prompt and positive resolution to this situation. Sincerely, [shopify_onz]
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