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Everything posted by pacaza

  1. Is the only way to get impressions is by marketing your gig yourself with social media? Because, I honestly don't even know how to get impressions on my social media posts... haha. Does anyone have any recommendations for getting my first impressions for my gig? Because I have a feeling it will stay at 0 unless I proactively do something to get myself going. If it is because my niche is too competitive, does that mean I don't even have a chance and am wasting my time? Any help would be appreciated greatly! Thank you for reading! 🙂 By the way, my first and only gig I've created so far is for mixing and mastering music. Not sure if that info will help but there you go 🙂
  2. Hello, my name is Pacaza. You can also call me Zack if you'd like. I've been thinking about starting my own music production company and finally pulled the trigger. I hope everyone is well and just wanted to introduce myself. Thanks for reading! 🙂
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