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About habib_g_uiux_d

  • Birthday 11/09/1998


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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. My response rate has been lower since July 19. first time it was 100%, then the internet tragedy was faced. after one buyer message me and now its on the red mark to maintain my level. What do I need to do now? 




  2. I am unable to get my solution.
  3. None of any gig were paused/inactive or unpublished.
  4. Hey, This is habib, a junior web designer. here is my portfolio; I wanna join a Web Design team as a intern of that group. If anyone interest to add me as a intern of your group/team. please do message [Mod note: link removed, please read the forum rules.]
  5. Hello, I am Habib, I can't add more than 5 gigs as a new seller. But google always suggests I can publish 7 gigs as a new seller. What is the solutions?
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