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Everything posted by ahmad_freelancr

  1. Can be a glitch in the system or something. If you haven't done anything against the fiverr guidelines. You should be good to go. Get in contact with fiverr support be open and explain them everything. Thats the best possible solution. Hope it helps!
  2. Hi guys, New here and I have a question!! Better off asking an expert than overthinking yourself. A bit of my intro and then Q: My name is Ahmad Virk as you all would know by now from my username😁.I am Dimploma and a Bachelors degree holder from Western Sydney Uni Australia in Computer Sciences. Now to my Q, I created my fiverr account because i wanted to use my skills and my free time in doing something in Dec 2023. First month i received alot of impressions, clicks and got my first order on 7 January 2024.I was happy but now recently i went on a trip for 3 days and went on and off my account and from then onwards my account is literally dead. Like i only get 5-6 impressions daily. Have i done anything wrong. You guys can check my gigs aswell and please let me know am i doing anything wrong. Thanks if anyone can help it will be appreciated!!
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