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Everything posted by drhifaghaffar

  1. Many clients ask if we can write their novels, stories, or autobiographies. I don't write these ebooks myself, but I have a friend who works on Fiverr. Would it be appropriate to share her gig?
  2. It appears there may be a glitch. Your ratings are rightfully yours. I recommend reaching out to support for assistance.
  3. Greetings, I'm Dr. Hifa Ghaffar, a seasoned senior seller on Fiverr. I'd like to address an aspect of Fiverr's platform where sellers can showcase their clients. Presently, this feature restricts selection to a predefined list provided by Fiverr. However, what if your actual clients aren't included in this list? Is there a provision for registering clients independently? My experience includes indirect collaborations with notable entities such as Amazon and Scribd, However, I am unable to register myself as their client. These clients, while significant, cannot be verified within the system. Additionally, the clients I can provide evidence for are not represented in the given list.
  4. Please visit your gig gallery to delete any surplus images and upload new ones. Once completed, kindly remove your primary image.
  5. Nope, Fiverr's contact support team changed it for me. Nope, Fiverr's contact support team changed it for me.
  6. Absolutely! I accidentally posted a message in the review box, but when I reached out to customer support, they promptly adjusted what I had submitted. Fiverr's support team is truly reliable and helpful.
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