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  1. These doesn't help me at all because, clearly I've already met all the criteria. I've spent alot of effort working my way up on fiverr and due to this, I'm not getting any jobs on fiverr. Let me speak to someone that can actually solve my issue here because clearly I have met all the criteria, if not please do highlight which criteria have I not met and I will work on it please. Thank you, I hope to seek your attention and understand on this matter because it's really frustrating. April
  2. what is " additional quality metrics"?I've met the first three.But I still can't promote. ·Can you provide more specific information about additional quality metrics? ·What properties does it depend on and how does it calculate? And as a seller, how I can see all its features??
  3. About three days ago, I noticed that my Gig can not be promoted anymore,and it shows "Your Gigs cannot be promoted right now. we'll notify you as soon as this changes." According to fiverr help answer yesterday, "Gigs may also be removed from our Search feature due to poor performance. " I wanna know 1.what poor performance?2.Secondly, is there any chance that my Gig can be promoted again?
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