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Posts posted by imtiazgfx

  1. 4 hours ago, milos_siena said:

    The only option is to continue doing a great job with old clients and wait for about 6 months (it could be less due to new rules) since the success score first went to 4.

    @milos_siena I am curious about this timeline you mentioned. What if someone keep delivering high quality orders almost daily, do they still need to wait for 6 months or so? When does this success score actually updates? Does it update differently for a Low Performance Account? Please answer these questions if you can. Thanks!

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  2. 3 hours ago, fahadtech said:

    Exactly what I am thinking, deleting would have an immediate impact.

    I must disagree with you on this point. As I mentioned earlier, the Success Score only factors in active gigs. Deleting or pausing gigs has the same effect on it. What truly matters is the significance of each gig; gigs with more orders carry greater weight on the Success Score, while those with fewer orders have minimal impact. Therefore, deleting or pausing low-performing gigs does not necessarily lead to improvements in the Success Score if it is outweighed by a high-performing gig.

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  3. 7 hours ago, ch6k0r said:

    we are being punished for a score we knew nothing about for years, while the new sellers are going to profit from how ''transparent'' the new system is.

    Fiverr claims to prioritize transparency, yet a broader perspective on Private Reviews reveals a stark contrast. Private reviews fail to offer sellers guidance on areas for improvement or specifics on buyer concerns that require resolution. Instead, negative private feedback holds significantly more weight than positive public reviews.

    By doing so, they are trying to filter out the sellers who consistently provide overwhelming buyer experience from those who have limitations but in the end, clarity and transparency? Not Exactly.

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  4. 4 hours ago, unique_website said:

    Could you clarify if the new level system and success score are the same? if they evaluvate new level system daily it neams they evaluvate success score daily. 

    As per new level system, there is daily evaluation of all the key metrics including Success Score but if we talk about success score only, it takes time to update and it is relatively stable key metric. Its evaluation depends upon multiple factors including the orders and your performance relative to other freelancers who are similar to you. 

    4 hours ago, unique_website said:

    I believe this issue extends beyond just new sellers, as my gigs are not appearing in search results at all.

    That's why I have mentioned "Almost Similar". Level 0 also affects your visibility in the marketplace which is not in the case of "New Seller".


    4 hours ago, unique_website said:

    I haven't received any orders since my performance was downgraded. In this challenging situation without any orders, how can they assess my performance?

    You can actually share your profile or gig links to potential buyers or there maybe repeat business that can help you improve your performance.

    • Like 6
  5. 2 hours ago, creativecolumn said:

    We still don't have a clear idea about how the system works. I think pausing will not change the SS, but deleting may affect the SS.

    The Success Score only factors in active gigs. Pausing or deleting gigs can equally impact the Success Score.

    2 hours ago, ch6k0r said:

    So I paused one of my gigs that was lowering my success score and yet it stayed the same for over 2 weeks now, It's still 4/10, shouldn't it be like 5-6/10 now?

    In the calculation of the success score, gigs with more orders are assigned greater weightage, whereas gigs with fewer orders have a minimal impact on the Success Score. Consequently, pausing or deleting low-performing gigs with a low number of orders may not affect the Success Score either positively or negatively.

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  6. On 3/7/2024 at 12:45 AM, unique_website said:

    My profile is currently labeled as 'Low-performance.' How frequently does Fiverr update these assessments? Has anyone successfully resolved a low-performance status on your profile?

    Though there is daily evaluation in the new level system but success score is more like a stable metric. It doesn't update daily to facilitate the sellers. Once the success score improves (which usually takes around 10-15 days), your performance will also improve based on Success Score. Having low performance or success score below 4 will lead you towards Level 0. (which is almost similar to New Seller)

    • Like 7
  7. 3 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

    If it's removed then I assume so, because there is no issue anymore.

    I have seen people who had a warning before but after the warning is expired, the flagged account status is still there. Now that is a bug or a violation. In the level system article, a warning usually shows "On Hold" instead of "Account Flagged". 


    5 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

    I think it's a permanent ban when ToS is broken, and you can't have multiple accounts.

    If a seller cannot get on with his current account due to it being flagged permanently and can't even create a new, It simply means if any seller had a violation even before 1-2 years, now they are flagged and their freelance career at Fiverr is permanently restricted? due to a violation a long ago? And above all, cannot even start again? It doesn't look good.


    9 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

    I expect it's the same, although a long standing theory is that new sellers tend to get extra exposure for a short while to help them make their first sale.

    What about the Benefits and Tools for Level 0? it isn't mentioned anywhere.

    • Like 9
  8. 10 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

    What non-account specific questions do you have?

    I was hoping to get some transparency on the issues like the future of Flagged Accounts (Location Inconsistencies), Level 0 vs New Seller, any clarifications on Success Score metric calculations and some more insights about this product release.  

    I also wanted to know if a person, whose account is flagged, will he ever be able to participate in this level system again even if the warning is removed or so. If not, will he be able to create a new account and start from scratch? These kind of general questions about this update and seller integrity I have.

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  9. 1 minute ago, emmaki said:

    I think the concept of "false positives" is important here. Fiverr can't really do much about that except use humans to look at results, which costs money (and can only be kickstarted through querying CS, probably).

    There was never going to be any new information, simply because q's were just going to revolve around the same subjects with the same answers from the Q&A during the original session. 

    But if someone has a recording I can make a transcript again. 

    Yeah I am also looking for that. They will post this webinar after 4-5 days I think. Very slow in posting these.

    • Like 8
  10. 2 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

    There have been 2 webinar versions as far as I can tell:

    New freelancer levels, more transparency (last week)

    Ask Me Anything: New Level System (today)

    They were pretty similar but the AMA reiterated/stated that:

    - Cancelations that are included in the SS but shouldn't be are being looked into/solved

    - Some account flagging was incorrect and again being looked into/solved

    - SS is relative to other sellers

    - Revisions/extensions don't automatically harm your score, the system is clever and knows when they're for a good reason and when they're not.



    The same information that they told in the previous Webinars? What is the meaning of Ask me Anything then?

    • Like 8
  11. I was hoping that they will clarify something new 😐 or at least take some new questions this time but not, everything was the same. This time, added  one more question & they just asked about the feedback of webinar 🤣 in the end and that's it.

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  12. It was exactly the Same Webinar that was held on 20th Feb😆 Even the same questions were answered and same topics and all. They just added one more question in it and the remaining 30-35 minutes, it was exactly the same as previous. ☺️ Didn't answered any new questions and I think they don't have any idea what is going on and they just wanted to complete this Webinar somehow without sharing or clarifying anything new.


    Very unfortunate! What are your thoughts on it?

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  13. 1 hour ago, antonnzuev said:

    The most interesting thing about this situation is that even selling your product for $5 doesn't guarantee you a maximum score in the "Value for Money" column."
    That's just absurd.
    Considering that we're on a platform where the customer is searching for a contractor. 

    If client cannot understand the Value of your service or Value for Money, you have to educate the buyer about Value for Money part. You have to tell them about the order process, effort, time utilization, quality work and service value so he can understand what you are doing and how much effort you are putting in so he/she can understand that is their Value for Money for sure.

    Ultimately, it depends on your guidance to buyer that will explain and justify your service with Value for Money.

    • Like 9
  14. On 2/17/2024 at 11:13 AM, voicedbyken said:

    Fiverr launched a new update to the rating and level system 2 days ago and if you're "Success Score" isn't at particular number you will lose your current level even if you followed all the rules and never got a warning. 


    Click on "Go to level overview" and then click on the button underneath "Success Score" and on the right hand side you will see a panel that gives a score to each of your gigs and your new Level 0 score is the average shown in the main "Success Score" box.


    There are several threads about this already and a lot of us are MAD AS HE#L 

    Is Level 0 equal to New Seller? With new seller benefits and all?

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  15. 5 minutes ago, tom_godbert said:

    I just got a notification about the webinar, did anyone here go to that? The second one is at 3am my time (Australia) and I wasn't notified about the one yesterday, but are they useful at all? Is there any chance to ask questions/give feedback on this new update?

    Yes you can ask questions in Q&A section but they will decide, whether to answer it or not!

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