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Everything posted by luiza_fattori

  1. Hey, guys. I am new to the platform and I'm trying to have my first gig. I can't share it on my social media, because I need to talk about my formal job, but I don't know what to do anymore. Can you guys give me some tips on what can I do? This is my profile: https://br.fiverr.com/luiza_fattori?up_rollout=true I accept any kind of feedback.
  2. Thank you so much. I confess that I was happy for my first gig, but I understand that is not okay. Thank you for the head’s up
  3. I’ve just received my first real order here, but the person wants to negotiate and send the file for me to translate through e-mail. It happens a lot? Should I trust?
  4. Hi, I’m new here and I just started to work. Today is my first day. Can someone take a look at my Gig and tell me if I’m going on the right direction?
  5. Hi, everyone. Today is my first day here in Fiverr and I really liked the platform. However, I’m getting a lot of spam messages. Any tips in how can I avoid this?
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