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  1. From my perspective, I think you need to update your profile and gig, Maybe the impression you are getting is the traffic from another niche. For example, let's say you are selling photo-editing services and your profile is visible to people who Do website designing. Always use, right , accurate keywords and update those keywords if you are not getting any clicks.
  2. No, It will not affect on your profile if you change your profile picture. However, must use A good picture that looks professional (Not some random picture). As for the picture of your gig, changing the gig's primary image is not good every other day.
  3. I will suggest you write the Description in a unique way. Fiverr needs to know what you are selling. They will show your gig if that will match the client's keyword. Search the competitors, and check what's the specialty of other sellers, you can get an idea about what clients want. Use keywords in your Description. and write the Tags carefully. Stay online 24-7
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