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  1. My account is being reviewed In Last 54+ Days Dear Fiverr Team, I've been a seller since 2021, but a few months ago, my account was suddenly flagged for review. I was informed that my account was under review and that I needed to wait 60 days. However, I still haven't received any reply from Fiverr. I haven't violated any Fiverr policies.
  2. I am an SEO Consultant who frequently travels the world, and my home country is India. I am prepared to provide any necessary document or video verification openly.
  3. Dear Fiverr Team, I've been a seller on Fiverr since 2021. Today, my account got flagged for using a false identity. I don't have any other accounts. I've been using this account for a long time and have received 5-star ratings from both sellers and buyers. I've raised a ticket with the Fiverr team, and they replied saying it will take 60 days for verification. If you need any verification, I'm happy to provide all valid original documents. Regards, Vengatesh K
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