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  1. In summary, the application requires you to provide all your personal and professional information and proof of your previous projects and work in the relevant field to validate your expertise. Additionally, you must furnish all the relevant documents to support your application, such as degrees, certifications, and professional accounts on websites such as Behance and GitHub.
  2. @vickieito Hello, I want to enrol in the Seller Plus Program, but I couldn't find a way to sign up, and all I got was. You’re not eligible just yet for Seller Plus. We’ll be in touch when you are. However, I found this information on the program's FAQ page. Can you assist me?
  3. I applied for Fiverr Pro (cybersecurity) on October 4th, and it has been showing the same status as 'submitted' ever since. I am curious to know how long it usually takes for them to respond to my application and also what kind of response or status update I can expect to receive. Additionally, is there any other important information regarding the pro program that I should know?
  4. securas


    @web_keedo, please explain more about the "Low competitor Gigs and one main gig."
  5. securas


    I'm also new, and aside from the SEO thing, I'm still figuring it out. The best pieces of advice that I can give: See second-level freelancers, even beginner-level freelancers with high sales and reviews; what worked for them probably would work for you. Fill out the profile, and don't leave any bold spots; if you're a client, you would probably choose the freelancer with more data on the profile, especially a diverse set of gigs (some clients think they will be back, so they choose the one that can be a wildcard freelancer). NEVER, EVER, EVER follow the top-rated freelancers. It's like you're a beginner football player who thinks he will be international if he copies Messi or CR7 moves. Constantly update according to changes.
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