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  1. Hi, Can a buyer or seller send links, such as source file link (that's mendatory) or a website link which the buyer likes or something else. Thank you
  2. Thanks for guiding me! One question please... I have to send source files, mockups, print ready files etc. in my final delivery. So, will I have to send all again and again?
  3. Thanks for your guidance! I have a question please... In the above stated case, the buyer can take away my work? Actually I am new so have some confusions.
  4. Hi, Hope you all are fine! Can anyone please guide me what's partial delivery on Fiverr. Also, if I deliver a design (say out of 4 designs that are it's exact replica (as only text etc. is to be changed)) for just showing to my client, will it be under partial delivery?
  5. I delivered a delivery. Due to some causes, I and my client extended the delivery time. But after that REQUEST A REVISION option is not available. Will we still be able to work on the project after 5 days ( as the delivery is neither accepted nor rejected). Thank you!
  6. Can a buyer send me the links of designs what he likes, in Fiverr chat. If no, then what should I do in a way that also doesn't affects my sales. Thank you!
  7. Select a less competitive niche/ microniche where you will have a better chance of appearance, put an attractive gig image & other essentials, and then most important.. be patient I think, Remaining online doesn't affects ranking much Try to reach actual, potential clients, use LinkedIn, Twitter instead of Facebook and Instagram
  8. If you are innocent and have a strong evidence against buyer, contact the customer support and prove them that you are a victim, you have no fault at all........
  9. Almost all buyers are fraud on Facebook groups then what should be done
  10. I have impressions but there are only a very few clicks and no orders. Moreover, I have seen that either many buyers contact me (for example 4-5 buyers contact me in the same week) or no buyer contacts (for example for two months)
  11. Hi, Hope you are doing well! Can we keep a friendly communication with the buyer ON FIVERR even after the order has been delivered. Moreover, can we deliver the order again after 1-2 weeks of the order completion through Fiverr messages if we realize that there was a mistake in the delivery. Just want information because I am new.
  12. Hi Hope all you are fine! I am new and want to learn all about Fiverr policies & terms, due to which our account can get banned or any other positive or negative effect. All things from start to last, from major to minor Thanks!
  13. Hi Hope all you are fine! I am new and want to learn all about Fiverr policies & terms, due to which our account can get banned or any other positive or negative effect. All things from start to last, from major to minor Thanks!
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