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  1. My gig is showing on my dashboard (I'm a freelance musician) as requiring actions by 7th October. However, the required actions are downright weird. One expects me to change my Basic package's minimum song duration from 240 seconds (4 minutes) down to 30 seconds even though 360 seconds is fine for my Standard and Premium packages (who writes 30-second songs?), another wants me to limit the number of tracks offered for the Basic service to a single track (I mean, who does that?!) and the maximum number of tracks for my Standard and Premium packages is capped by the drop-down menu at a ridiculous value of 15! I am also required not to included sheet music / MIDI but I never offered that option in the first place. I am so confused as to what is going on here. Can anybody help? Can I just ignore the required actions? TIA.
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