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About deniskirshenin

  • Birthday 03/15/1994


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  1. Hi! Hope you solved your issue. Anyway it would be helpful for someone else facing same problem. First, check if the keywords you're targeting are really competitive. If they are, it might take some time for your new blog to rank for them. Make sure you've optimized your blog posts for search engines. This means using your target keywords in the title, headings, and throughout the content. But remember, it should sound natural, not forced. Google loves good content. Ensure your blog posts are well-researched, helpful, and original. Think about what your readers want to know. Nobody likes slow websites. Google considers how fast your site loads, so make sure it's speedy. Check if your blog looks good and works well on mobile devices. Google gives extra love to mobile-friendly sites. Backlinks are like votes of confidence for your site. Make sure they come from reputable and relevant websites in your field. Link to your own blog posts where it makes sense. It helps Google understand your content better. Keep your sitemap up to date and submit it to Google through Search Console. This helps Google find your content. Sometimes, Google needs time to notice and rank your new content. Keep creating great stuff and be patient. Look in Google Search Console for any issues or errors. Fix what you find there. Double-check the Manual Actions section in Google Search Console. It's unlikely, but you want to be sure there are no issues. Check Google Analytics for any traffic from Google. Even if you're not ranking high, you might still get some traffic. This can tell you which keywords are working. Study the websites that do show up for your keywords. What are they doing differently? Maybe you can learn something from them. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. It can take time to see big changes, especially for new websites. Keep making great content, improve your website, and keep an eye on your progress with tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics. If things still don't improve, you might want to consider getting advice from an SEO expert who can give you more personalized guidance.
  2. Hello! I would recommend you to follow those steps: Before you dive into Silverstripe, make sure you have a decent understanding of web stuff like HTML, CSS, and a bit of JavaScript. It'll come in handy. Silverstripe is built using PHP, so it's a good idea to have a basic grasp of PHP and how it works. Create a development environment on your computer using tools like XAMPP or MAMP. These let you run PHP and databases locally. Silverstripe loves object-oriented programming (OOP). If you're not familiar with it, learn the basics of classes, objects, and inheritance. Play around with the Silverstripe CMS interface. Create some pages, manage content - you know, get comfortable with it. Understand Silverstripe's theming system. You'll want to know how to customize themes using Silverstripe's template engine. Modules are like add-ons for Silverstripe. Learn how to create your own to add features or tweak existing ones. Silverstripe has its way of dealing with databases. Learn about DataObjects and how the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system works. Understand how to keep your Silverstripe website safe. Security is crucial, so learn the ropes. Don't go it alone! Be part of the Silverstripe community. Join forums, meet fellow developers, and maybe even contribute to open-source projects. The best way to learn Silverstripe is by doing. Start small, build websites, and work your way up to bigger projects. Keep an eye on what's happening in the Silverstripe world. Tech evolves, and it's good to stay updated. Learning Silverstripe can be a fun journey, and don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it. As you gain experience, you'll become a Silverstripe pro in no time!
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