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Posts posted by rafsansunny121

  1. Fiverr is a life-changing dream for me  Thousands of unemployed youths like me dream of fulfilling their dreams through fiber.  Love is endless fiverr🥰

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  2. Hm

    15 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Hi @yonatansegev, Trust plays a huge role in business. If it isn't ratings, you will have to gain their trust in different ways, such as through your portfolio, gig videos, and client testimonials/pictures.

    Buyers can be open to exploring new sellers who might offer great services (but that is a gamble and can cost the buyer a lot of money - I went that route and it didn't work for me). It cost me money because I didn't have the heart to cancel those orders (and also didn't leave reviews on those orders).

    I think you are offering services that aren't really in demand. If I look up "Fitness Plans" on Fiverr, only 1,048 services show up ...and most of them include "fitness plan + meal plan."

    On the first page, there were 52 gigs shown, and only 5 were "fitness plans only" - the rest were "fitness + nutrition" and business-geared gigs (brandable workouts). So less than 10% of the gigs offer custom fitness plans without nutrition. That is only 100 gigs (and 2 of them are yours). 

    When I looked at the type of sellers offering fitness plans, this showed up:

    The only Top Rated Seller offers a "Fitness + Meal Plan."

    Of the 61 Level 2's, there were only 3-5 that were offering fitness only (some had optional meal plans, so I'm not sure if I should count them in the totals). I'm guessing the 48 Level 1's are similar, and the remaining 40 fitness-only gigs (including your 2) are with the New Sellers. With numbers that low, it might be some time before you get your first order.

    Most of the sellers had less than 50 orders (only averaging 0-3 orders a month), but the ones that had hundreds of orders were the ones that also had images of women in their portfolios. It appears that these high performers average 15-25 orders each month.


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