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  1. Haven't you mentioned that it was a problem verifying you for Professions? In any case, they should have escalated the issue to the corresponding area, I struggled for 2 weeks every day demanding the exhaustive review until they finally referred me to a supervisor, I hope you have luck.
  2. After several automated responses, and demanding my manual review for 2 weeks straight, I was finally referred to a supervisor (who also gave me a negative response saying I had to wait), I informed him of everything that happened and they finally reviewed my account manually . 2 weeks without accepting orders and it will probably affect my visibility on the platform, but fortunately it didn't get worse with the deletion of my account, clients return, reach recovers so I am happy to have access to my account again. I hope everyone who goes through this problem doesn't give up and give up on their account! If you truly own your account and did nothing wrong other than pass verification, make sure you have all the proof you need to send it. Good luck to all! 😄
  3. @Lena It has been almost 2 weeks and I still have not received any response from Customer Support. How much longer do I have to wait to get my account reinstated? This was caused by a malfunction of your ID verification software. It is totally unfair what is happening to me and I really need help, because I don't know how to explain anymore that I am a real person and that I have all my documents up to date proving my identity.
  4. Welcome to the group of those affected, this has been a Fiverr problem for about 2 or 3 weeks. They do not recognize their mistake yet and have kept us waiting for several days. There are some people who have already solved their problem but there are others like me who have been waiting for more than 10 days with no response. The only thing the Fiverr staff says is the following: - The specialized team is reviewing your case, meanwhile your account will remain restricted. - You cannot send any proof of identity via CS Ticket. - The resolution time can take up to 120 days so we ask for your patience while the specialized team continues to review your case. - Nothing can be done, no manual verifications can be requested because the specialized team is in charge. They do not give any other kind of response, they have no initiative to help us and the worst thing is that they keep thinking that their system is fine when it clearly is not.
  5. Something similar also happened to me, however Fiverr always comes out in favor of the buyer and not the seller, I don't know if I'm wrong, but in almost 2 years that I have been on Fiverr, it has always been like
  6. Believe me, you are not the first person that this has happened to, if you read a couple more topics you will see that at least 15 people have already reported the problem, some have already been solving them, but the slowness in processing the ticket, the automatic responses that you review and not wanting to review things manually is something that generates stress and headaches on the part of the Fiverr team. Even when they know it is their problem and this affects the sellers too much, you will only have to wait because you will always receive the same response, the methods are secret, and the team is already reviewing it and it can take up to 120 days to review the account.
  7. I am very happy for you, unfortunately in my case I am still without any answer, no help, the support keeps answering me automatically, I am really exhausted, frustrated and sad with all this.
  8. Well, I am in favor of the new system, I reached a score of 4 on a scale of 1 to 10, I reviewed my mistakes, my points to improve, and it made me unconsciously work much better, and in 1 month and a half I rose My review was 7 out of 10, that meant that I greatly improved my performance on the platform in 1 and a half months, so you can easily reach 10 with effort and dedication.
  9. This is what I expected again from support when requesting a manual verification.
  10. If we request manual verification or even a second ID verification, it simply automatically responds that this is not possible and that we can only wait for the team in charge. So what do you suggest we do? The best thing the Fiverr team can do is activate our accounts until they solve their verifications internally and then when they fix their automatic verification, ask the sellers for their information again, this is easy to solve, we all have the necessary tests to be able to validate our accounts only that they refuse to accept them. Every platform when the automatic verification fails proceeds to do a manual verification, either by holding the identity document, or even videos, this is simply not the case with Fiverr.
  11. I am honestly very disappointed with Fiverr. I already lost my level that I had a hard time getting back thanks to not being able to work, this is clearly a mistake on their part and when they fix it they won't even apologize. You can't play with people's time and work. I really have 2 years working on this platform and it seems we are not important to you. How sad this situation.
  12. Same in my case, it is clearly a problem with their verification software and we are losing days without work. It's totally unfair that Fiverr staff don't take these things seriously.
  13. Were you able to verify your account or are you still having problems? I'm still waiting for support to help me 😞
  14. I'm not really asking for much, just a manual verification, and that I can send my documents through mail or a ticket where they can validate that it is me, even if they ask me again for an automatic verification it would help me a lot, I wouldn't be here wasting my time during several days or insisting a lot if I were not the owner of the account. I have so much evidence to prove that it is me, but the Fiverr Customer Support agents do not want to accept or even see it or attach it to my case to refer it to the corresponding team, why should it take them 120 days to make a resolution without even having solid proof that I am the owner? I would greatly appreciate the help of any member of the Forum team who can help you in my case, my account had been recovered to the extent it had a few months ago, but because of this I will disappear from the search engine again and wait a few more months to return to recover my account activity. If there are other methods of communication that someone knows about, I would greatly appreciate it if you could send it to me so I can contact me, because I have not had much success in customer area tickets or in the forum.
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