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  1. @haniyabatool11 I have been a seller since about October 2022 and I have got only 1 order since then and that order came only about 2-3 months ago in july
  2. Hi, Hope everyone is doing well. I have been a seller for about 4-5 months and got only one order. Can anyone review my gigs and provide me feedbacek regarding them https://www.fiverr.com/s/5P7w04 https://www.fiverr.com/s/KE7rwV https://www.fiverr.com/s/qNdEjd https://www.fiverr.com/s/QX9eN3 https://www.fiverr.com/s/WjN47Q Thank you in advance
  3. Hi @haniyabatool11 I checked your gigs and I (also kind of a new seller) personally think that you will need to promote your gigs on different social media platforms and get as much impressions and clicks as possible because for me, your gigs are very good
  4. Thank you for the advice ma'am @vickieito
  5. Also @vickieito ma'am, my gig is getting impressions and clicks, but no orders. Can you kindly give me some advise regarding this matter
  6. Thank you for the reply, but almost none of these websites give me the ability to showcase my portfolio of app development
  7. Hi, Hope you are doing well. Can anyone give me some websites where I can showcase my app development portfolio including the code(program) and output of the program and which is allowed to be included in fiverr description Thank you in advance
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