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Everything posted by graphyee

  1. Thank you for the warm welcome and for clarifying the details about the Seller Plus program. I appreciate your explanation that Seller Plus doesn't provide badges like the Top Rated Seller badge, but rather offers Fiverr support priority similar to TRS. Your response has been really helpful in giving me a better understanding of what to expect from Seller Plus. Thanks again for taking the time to provide this information!
  2. Thank you for sharing this valuable insight into the TRS (Top Rated Seller) badge and the Seller Plus Premium Plan. It's clear that there are many factors at play beyond just meeting the visible requirements for TRS. Your advice to focus on continually improving our services and business growth makes a lot of sense. Understanding that there are hidden quality metrics that influence TRS eligibility is eye-opening. It highlights the importance of maintaining high standards across all aspects of our Fiverr business, from buyer satisfaction to order completion rates and minimizing cancellations. I appreciate your candid perspective on this, as it provides a more realistic view of the TRS journey. I'll definitely keep these insights in mind as I work towards achieving excellence on the platform. Thanks again for taking the time to share your experience and knowledge!
  3. Hello! Thank you for your kind words and support. I'm excited to be a part of the SELLER PLUS program and to embark on this journey of growth and excellence. Your guidance on the steps to achieve different seller levels is greatly appreciated. I'll definitely work hard to complete all the tasks for SELLER LEVEL 1, SELLER LEVEL 2, and ultimately aim for the TOP RATED SELLER status. Your link to the article about achieving levels will be a valuable resource for me. Thanks once again for your encouragement and insights!
  4. I seek advice from experienced individuals. I am a new seller and I have been approved for Seller Plus. My question is, if I get the Seller Plus Premium package, will I receive Top Rated Seller priority vetting? Will this be similar to the Top Rated badge given to other Top Rated Sellers? I am hoping for responses from those who have taken the Seller Plus Premium package.
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