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Posts posted by yonatansegev

  1. Hello Fiverr Community,

    I'm a new seller on Fiverr, and I've been pondering something lately.
    Despite my efforts to create an impressive gig with great visuals, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing,
    it seems that buyers consistently opt for sellers with ratings.

    So, I'd like to hear from you all – how important are ratings when choosing a seller? Is it purely about trust, or should buyers be open to exploring new sellers who might offer better deals?

    Your insights and experiences on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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  2. 18 hours ago, brandon_moore_ said:

    Hello, when you mentioned that your gig remained in the draft because of the video, you need to pay attention to possible errors, be that the video is too large in megabytes, the video may have content that violates the terms of the platform, it may contain material that violates copyright. It is best to research the internet content which are the guidelines and terms for posting videos on gig.

    The problem was i didnt verify my phone number.

    thank you anyway my gig is now up you can go check it out :)

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  3. 2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Hi @yonatansegev - I think it's great that you are in shape and driven, but remember, many of your clients won't be (so they won't want to see someone with a chiseled body).  What they will want to see is results. Show before and after pictures of your clients' success stories.

    When I was a new seller with 0 reviews and 0 orders, my portfolio was what gave me credibility (and convinced buyers to reach out to me and purchase my gig). The more quality samples I had in my gig gallery, the greater chance I had to have at least one sample resonate with a buyer and convince them that I was the seller for them. Your gig gallery has 1 video, 3 images, and 2 PDFs to showcase all that you have to offer your buyers. Use all of these tools to the maximum capacity because this is really where you can show your buyers what you can do for them.

    This is great advice - I get more out of searching the forum for answers to my questions (as well as any other questions posted by other users). 

    I've added a before and after picture and a transformation video.

    i will definitely watch the fiverr help files.

    thank you very much. hope this will help 🙂

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  4. 15 minutes ago, seoswiftcreate said:

    1. You gig title is very clear but the description is vague it uses catch phrases more then what it actually does, I made the same mistake as new seller(which I still am), may be still not perfect, but if you can mention terms like how much calorie you can help lose with each cycle of exercise, how it can accommodate people of particular age group, gender etc

    2. Also I think you must mention that which group of people should not take up these exercises , like people having some medical conidtion

    3. Also if the images can be better , especially remove images with blurred out faces with more clear cards. that you provide to your users for each day of schedule

    you are targeting a very popular and profitable niche , so order will come for sure, I am just making these suggestion just as some buyer that just goes through a gig and hoped to find these things to make it more attractive…

    Wish you good luck , thanks

    Amazing my friend i appreciate it very much.

    i will adapt my gig - thank you very much my brother.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    That is completely wrong. Don't bother with either.  Unfortunately people like to make up silly answers 

    So what do i need to do in order to make my gig work.

    im assuming if i have 0 buying and reviews people wont just buy it.


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  6. i completed the entire gig writing and everything is working 

    but when im pressing on "publish my gig"

    nothing happing and the gig is stuck in drafts

    is saying it is proccesing the video i uploaded but its been more than a day

    any pro tips ?

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