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Posts posted by acelina_pro

  1. 6 minutes ago, atulcodex said:

    it will take only 12-24 hours
    If your video is effective and knowledgeable it will surely affect your ranking


    I pray so 🙏🙏

    I just add 5 of my past works (as an email template designer) with a cool sound..

    Is it okay?

    • Like 10
  2. 1 minute ago, michmikaia said:

    Why do you edit your gigs everyday?

    I have 6 gigs as a new seller so am not expert yet so am editing them look perfect 

    Can that really be the cause of my click fluctuating?

    • Like 7
  3. 3 minutes ago, talhajamil988 said:

    First of all number of clicks depends on the number of impressions you get, more the impression more the clicks and editing a particular gig doesn't affect the other gigs overall.

    Thanks... But my impression is normal but the click is decreasing

    Maybe because I edit my gigs almost everyday


    • Like 7
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  4. Hello everybody

    Thanks for ur time...

    I want to ask that what can make the  click on my gig to increase today decrease tomorrow

    Or if I edit one of my gigs will it affect all the clicks on the other gigs too

    • Like 6
  5. 10 minutes ago, b2b_lead_genius said:

    No , Fiverr will disable your account when you will run you multiple accounts in multiple browser on 1 pc. if fiverr catches you then fiverr will disable your account. some years ago one of my friends who is level 2 seller, he had two accounts both were level 2 account, But after some time when he was getting more order then fiver had disabled his 1 account and decreased another account rank .So I will suggest you don't use multiple account at same time, otherwise you can create an account on multiple skills.


    Okay... Thanks 

    So that means am on a safer side 

    • Like 12
  6. 17 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    This is your fault then. You have asked the wrong question then. Should have asked that can I use those tools or not 

    Yeah.... Sorry for the misunderstanding

    Pls are the tools okay to use on fiverr

    • Like 5
  7. 2 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    Hi too

    You have already created a gig based on Email Marketing: "I will build you a customized email marketing for your business"

    So, kindly let us know that how will you offer this service to your buyers? Isn't it strange? If you cannot do anything then don't create gigs like that 🙏

    No... Is like you don't understand my point....

    What am trying to say is that.. I don't know maybe the tools I have with me is not in restriction of fiver TOS..

    My tools are klaviyo and MailChimp 

    • Like 8
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  8. 57 minutes ago, noah_designer said:

    If you're good at some things, (you don't have to be best), and you know how to sell your services, then no matter what niche you choose. You'll succeed on Fiverr.

    Okay... Thanks so much 

    • Like 5
  9. 1 hour ago, noah_designer said:

    Hey, I just checked your profile, What I'd suggest is to improve your gig thumbnails, and 1 thumbnail is enough for the gig as you're not in the design category. If it's possible for you, hire a design expert to do your gig thumbnails. Also please go read gig image guidelines from Fiverr, as your thumbnails look oversized.
    I saw that you used your image on gig thumbnails which is a good thing to earn the trust of customers/buyers, you can use the same image as your profile pic. It looks professional.

    Thanks so much for this❤️

    But I will want to ask that should I just reduce the text on my gig thumbnail??

    U can check the second gig thumbnail... Hope that one is manageable

    Thanks one again 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

    Gig has already been removed so I guess you are safe. So do some research first before creating a gig.

    Ooh.... Thanks to God

    Thanks so much for your advice 🙏

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  11. 4 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

    Hello too

    Academic related services are not allowed on Fiverr. If others have not been caught then it does not mean that they are safe too. Sooner or later, they will be caught too so don't worry about them.

    Read the following articles (Fiverr Help Center): 

    1. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020869658-Academic-services-on-Fiverr-The-Dos-and-Don-ts 

    2. https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-service

    I will also encourage you to read the TOS again. 

    Thanks so much for the article....

    But as I have tried to create the gig... Won't it affects my account or warning days as a new seller?

    • Like 7
  12. Hello everyone

    I tried to create a gig on maths problem solver yesterday... But obviously it was not approved.. they said it is a Prohibited service and can't allow the sales....

    So my question now is that if u search for the gig on Fiverr it will bring gigs so why did they now not approved mine and said it is prohibited 

    • Like 9
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  13. 1 minute ago, uk1000 said:

    Yes the profile image looks okay now.

    This is the community standards about profile if you want to check:


    I assume the AI person in the gig image might be okay though you could check with CS if you wanted. There's a rule against "Both sellers and buyers are prohibited from using AI tools to...or generate faces of humans who do not exist.".  But I think that's for adding a fake face over another image/video

    (see https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/ai-generated-content)

    Thanks for the splendid advice... So I can leave the AI on my gig image??

    I don't have problem again right...

    Kindly check my new logo now and rate it pls,🙏

    • Like 10
  14. Hello everyone... How is your day!

    I want to know if as I have changed my profile pictures to my name logo... Is that okay?? And will it affect my gigs ranking?

    • Like 30
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  15. 18 hours ago, katakatica said:

    I'm unsure if you changed them since before, but the current images (to me) just blend in with every other gig out there. Try to make it more YOU (I know they have a picture, I'll assume it's you on it), but they just don't feel personal or 'right'. I checked one of your gigs out at as well, and the writing feels almost forced (your gig description), which is a no-no for a writer. Look around on the site and see what others are doing, get inspiration from that and try again. 


    Thanks for the advice 

    • Like 7
  16. 19 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    If you are not going to follow our tips or suggested tips by other experienced sellers then it's okay but don't ask the same question again and again when the reasons/questions are already explained/answered.

    I am gonna stop here and not gonna guide you anymore as I'm 100% sure that you won't do anything even we guide you.

    Good Luck!

    Am so sorry if I have offended you... Pls forgive me🙏

    But I just want to know where to correct my mistakes that's why I am asking those questions and also have changed my picture to my logo pls is that okay??

    • Like 7
  17. 20 hours ago, uk1000 said:

    The gig images are mostly okay but maybe the text could be moved slightly in further. eg. the "Article Writing" text in one seems to get very slightly cropped when shown on the profile. One of your gig images has a twitter logo I think and the logo on twitter was recently changed to X (whereas yours uses the old one).

    Also in the profile picture is that image of you? If so that's okay. If it was an AI image then Fiverr wouldn't be okay with it.

    Yes.... It was an AI but have now change it to my name logo... Is that okay??

    • Like 8
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  18. 3 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    These are my suggestions/comments:

    Gig: I will do fast and accurate typing
    In the gig description:
    Maybe change "documents, Then" ("Then" probably doesn't need a capital letter after a comma)
    Maybe change "now an let us" (maybe change "an")

    Gig: I will do SEO and high quality article writing and creative writing
    In the gig description:
    Maybe change "your content writing content writing," (content writing twice)
    It says "unlimited revisions" but none of the packages have the number of revisions value set to "unlimited".

    Gig: I will be your professional social media marketer
    In the gig description:
    Maybe change "your brands message" (maybe needs an apostrophe)
    Maybe change "each platforms with" (maybe change platforms)

    In the profile:
    In the description: Maybe change "fore front" (should it be 1 word?)

    Ohh... Nice thanks so much...

    Is the gig image and profile picture manageable??

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