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  1. Never mind I just figured out how to get back in, and yes I did because I could not figure out how to switch my Fiverr pro account into a Seller account. Also my original profile was intended to be for more group projects. I'm sorry, do I need to delete one account?
  2. @Vickieito Thank you for your response. No, I spent a whole night writing my bio describe my talents and made first gig titled "I will sing in any vocal range for your project" I can't even sign in to my account now, so I guess they completely deleted? This is the audio I had in the gallery showcasing my range: 0-9.mp3
  3. I am a long time user of Fiverr. I've worked with many people on this site. Here is a link to my buyer page https://pro.fiverr.com/freelancers/jbrown1997. I am also a singer and decided to make a Seller account. I am a singer with a rare very wide range looking to offer my services. When I made my gig, I got this email: Can someone please help me!? Thank you for your time.
  4. I use Fiverr as a buyer a lot. I'm not an expert but, if I was looking for your service I would look for a title worded a little differently. Like, maybe a little shorter? Once again I'm not an expert. I wish you the best of luck in your freelance career!
  5. I just got done setting up my Fiverr account last night, and when I went to share it this morning I got this Email. \\ I was offering services for vocal range singing, and I suspect that is why. I am a singer with a rare ability to produce notes from around 0th octave to the 9th octave. I had a gig called "I will sing in any vocal range for your project". This is a legitimate service. There are many men capable of this vocal range including but not limited to: Dimash Qudaibergen, Nicola Sedda, Amirhossein Molaei, Dante, Trinde Raino, and Charles Kellogg. I will attach the gallery audio I had attached. 0-9.mp3 Can please tell me how I can authenticate my gig? Thank you for your time.
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