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  1. It also seems strange to me that in payonner it appears the same as there is paypal since I have never made a withdrawal from there, I added payonner to see if it was solved but it was not like that, it only appears the same as in paypal
  2. These are the videos that I sent to fiverr trying to do what you asked me to, (all this was done after doing several of fiverr's suggestions, delete cookies, change browsers, uninstall and install the app again, open the browser in incognito mode and everything stayed the same) SAFARI.MOV CROMO.MOV CROMO INCOGNITO.MOV ÓPERA.MOV APLICACIÓN.MOV
  3. I have not tried it with payonner, add payonner to try to withdraw it from there since I thought it could be a problem with paypal but the same message appears as in paypal (withdrawal in progress)
  4. Hi, unfortunately I'm still having the same problem, this was the last message I sent and this is what fiverr responded to me, I tried to do everything they suggested but it didn't work, it's still exactly the same, I tried it on another device, I changed the connection and clear the cache and cookies of all browsers
  5. Hello, thanks for answering, a few hours ago fiverr technical support answered me, this is what they told me, it should be clarified that when I tried to withdraw the available balance, it was still there, I have not received any notification by email or paypal since I The problem happened, none of my available balance has been sent, everything is still there, so I suppose there was an error when trying to withdraw the balance
  6. Hello, thanks for answering, a few hours ago fiverr technical support answered me, this is what they told me, it should be clarified that when I tried to withdraw the available balance, it was still there, I have not received any notification by email or paypal since I The problem happened, none of my available balance has been sent, everything is still there, so I suppose there was an error when trying to withdraw the balance
  7. Hello, greetings, I hope you are very well, I am very worried since for several days I have not been able to withdraw my available balance, since August 1 I tried to withdraw my balance but only a message appeared saying that the withdrawal in progress I thought that the next day it would be solved but it continued the same, I have always withdrawn through paypal and I have never had problems, I thought that it could be a problem with the paypal account but I tried to change the account for another and verify that everything was fine And even so the problem continued, in fact I created a payoneer account but it's still the same, I've been having the same problem for almost 4 days and the technical support does not respond to my ticket (I sent it almost 3 days ago) I have no warnings or restrictions on my account In fact, I still have requests, if anyone knows how I can solve it, I would greatly appreciate it. 😞
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