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  1. I'm having a little problem with deadbeat sellers who A) overestimate their abilities and B) don't get back to you. What's typical is bragging that they can do this, that, and the other thing, then when you send them the sheet music, they choke and don't get back to you. A lot of sellers seem to be self-indulgent wankers who want to do their thing on your music, but can't produce when they're asked to do something specific. Speaking as a former owner of two music studios, I expect musicians to be transparent and up-front about their abilitities or the lack thereof. That hasn't been the case so far.
  2. Clients are one thing, but what about people offering their services that say they'll get back to you but don't? I've contacted three deadbeats in a row, all of whom said they'd get back to me. All had glowing reviews about their response time . So far I'm not impressed. If this keeps up I'll be looking elsewhere. Perhaps people offering their services should make clear what they can and can't handle. Too many people offering their services here are trying to cherry-pick gigs that suit them and not the client. Such self-indulgence does not make for a good studio musician. As a former owner of two music studios, I can tell you that not trying to accomodate customers = going out of business.
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