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Posts posted by hazelweb

  1. 12 hours ago, red_s_tudio said:

    if any one can help me to first order🥺 its is big help for me

    no one can help you to get orders its up to you thay how you represent yourself and your gig. just focus to on your gig make your gig unique and attractive and provide unique services.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, hasnain_473 said:

    Can anyone tell me when I will get my first order?

    nobody know when they get orders just be patient and updates your gig. make attractive gig images, videos and portfolios and write clear and concise gig description

    • Like 7
  3. 8 hours ago, sadia_seo_ said:

    Hi, I have the first order completed with a 5-star review. Now I Edit my gig video now? Will my review have any problem if I add the gig video? Experts, please help with the answer.

    yes,you can edit it will not effect on your reviews

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  4. 5 minutes ago, usama_profesion said:


    If you tried to contact your customer beside from fiverr it is against TOS fiverr will ban your account

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  5. 19 hours ago, dmarketer_dipu said:

    How Fiverr Thinks about New Sellers when someone waits long time for an order. Fiverr this topic should be thought for the new sellers


    I think fiverr forum is a great platform for new sellers established by fiverr where new seller can grow and learn from top rated experienced sellers that how can they stand in competition and how can they get orders.

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  6. 7 hours ago, hamzayounis_105 said:

    I have a buyer for a website, half website is done with the content provided. But some content would take time he said. 

    I have never extended delivery time, if I increase the delivery time (he will approve, I know) before it is marked as late, will it affect my stats?

    Because the buyer has no problem and agree by extended delivery time so it will not affect your status.

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  7. 9 hours ago, webthinker0 said:

    I want to change the gig image , If i change the gig image then will i lose my gig promoting option ?  

    No, it will not affect your gig promotion, Positive changes does't affect badly rather it increase promotions.

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