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Everything posted by mjmoazam

  1. same happened to me today, someone send a message claiming they are from Fiverr support, containing image with QR code, and link to a website exactly like Fiverr, but with different domain name, they asked me to verify my credit card in 24 hours otherwise my account will be banned, the page was exactly like Fiverr seller page and even with online support which answer your questions! when i asked why they didn't use an official account, the support person just gone silent, credit card information fishing websites are popping everywhere, be careful! Don't believe anything unless it's from official accounts, (either notifications, or email with correct domain name) Even with official accounts, check it with support again before you enter any personal information!
  2. same here, it's known that the feature doesn't work on auto completed orders (because client maybe claims for revision or changes), but from yesterday i get this message on completed orders by clients, doesn't matter if client leave a review or not, anyone contacted support for this matter?
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