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Posts posted by mari90189

  1. On 6/19/2024 at 3:13 AM, prateekgaonkar said:

    Optimize your gig for top keywords

    How can I do that? because I always try to edit them but they get lost. And my stats drop 

    • Like 1
  2. Hi.


    I offer English to Spanish interpretation, in my gig description I have this...


    "I will translate over the Telephone, Google Meet, Zoom, s***e, WhatsApp, or Teams"


    Most of the time clients need the service through WhatsApp... Is that ok or is that against Fiverr's Terms?

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  3. 2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    It's not just your performance. You are being compared to all the other sellers in your category. They are your competition. If they are performing better than you in any way - for example, responding faster or delivering more orders - they will be more visible in search than you are. So you need to be better than them. Look at the sellers who show up easily in search - what are they doing that you aren't? (note: this is more than just how the gig looks. Check out their reviews and the gigs to see what they are offering that makes them more appealing to buyers). And what can you do to make yourself more appealing to buyers than them?

    I'll keep it in mind. Thanks a lot

    • Like 9
  4. On 7/10/2023 at 4:14 PM, vickieito said:

    This is what you should do:

    In the words of @nicks_voice:

    That's what I've been doing. but first they sent my gig to the last pages. They barely have impressions, clicks or orders. I was only receiving order by promoted gigs. Now, i can't promote my gigs, I don't know why this is happening yo my profile

    • Like 18
  5. Not promotable (Unqualified)

    Since this morning I received this message, now I can't promote my gigs, what should I do now to get this option back?

    I received this message "This Gig will start promoting once it’s back to being promotable."

    • Like 9
  6. 15 hours ago, lacroix88 said:

    Are you serious? Whats wrong with you? I just found you on the first page,you using promoted gig feature,please dont waste our time with your false problems.

    Sorry for making you waste your time. But when i search my gigs, I only find them at the final results, even for the ones i am promoting.


    Thanks for your time


    • Like 8
  7. 4 hours ago, venonusa said:

    the reason why Fiverr has removed your gigs from search results depend from several factors....One reason can be that you have received private negative feedback.

    The thing is that now it's been 3 weeks since my gigs only appear at the end of the results nobody would click on them or even place an order.

    • Like 16
    • Sad 1
  8. Since June, 1st. My stats have dropped. I don't receive any new clients, I have updated my gigs, images, descriptions, uploaded intro video but nothing has fixed the problem.


    Two of my gigs used to be "Fiverr's Choice" now all my gigs appears at the last pages of any result.


    What should I do to solve this situation?



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