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Everything posted by script_coach

  1. If you want to grow as a freelancing architect on Fiverr, there are three important areas to focus on: your expertise, the quality of your service, and your client relationships. First, make sure you create a strong profile that showcases your architectural skills and experience. Use visually appealing portfolio samples and optimize your gig description and tags so that more people can find you. Second, it's important to consistently deliver high-quality work and provide exceptional customer service. Pay close attention to details, meet deadlines, and communicate effectively with your clients to go above and beyond their expectations. Lastly, actively engage with your clients, seek their feedback, and encourage positive reviews. This will help you build long-term relationships and enhance your reputation. I also recommend exploring industry blogs like ArchDaily and Dezeen for additional insights and inspiration.
  2. @majidshowghi Thank you! This gives me some clarity. I saw a post that says Fiverr counts your own views as impressions from a buyers account but not from a sellers account. I will just avoid viewing my gig using my buyers account to be safe and accurate.
  3. @leannelrivers Thank you so much! I will make sure to be patient and apply all these. Selling on Fiverr takes time and I shouldn't be in a hurry but maintain quality over quantity. 😊
  4. As a new seller on Fiverr, what are some recommended approaches or techniques to build trust and credibility? Any suggestions on how to increase my gig visibility, rank on Fiverr's first page, get clients, etc.
  5. Hello Fiverr community! I recently started selling on Fiverr again and I have a question regarding gig impressions and views. I was wondering if my own views and impressions are counted in the overall gig impressions and views or if it isn't included in the statitics. I couldn't find a definitive answer in the Fiverr documentation, so I'd appreciate it if someone could clarify this for me. Thank you for your help!
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