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  1. I think the problem people have is that there's too much potential for abuse from bad/scammy buyers. Such buyers could already get a refund on an "unsatisfactory delivery" because CS usually sides with them. Now, the fact that this buyer can also leave a 1-star review adds insult to injury. They got free work, and they got to damage your reputation too. Let's say for the sake of argument that 80% of "unsatisfactory delivery" disputes are fair, and the work is indeed unsatisfactory within reason. But, 20% are the buyer trying to get free work, or, it's unreasonable that they are not satisfied. Is it fair, then, that sellers are getting the shaft 20% (in my example estimate) of the time? And now, a 1-star review to boot? And it's true that "first-time buyers" can't leave a review on a canceled order, but, what's stopping your competitor who's not a first-time buyer on the platform, from ordering your gig, brute-forcing a cancelation after you deliver, and then leaving you with 1-star? I admit, it's unlikely...but people are weird. Lastly, and I think my biggest issue, is that some services are simply more "cancel-prone" than other services. I have a friend who does video editing and ends up with a cancelation once a month or so, because video-editing buyers are prone to ask for several revisions and still not like the end result. There's just more things that the buyer can typically dislike / more factors involved. Meanwhile, I'm a voice actor, and my cancelation rate is 2%. Less than 1%, if we factor in mistaken orders. But my gig is more straightforward, and I think a heck of a lot less cancel-prone / prone to mismatched expectations with buyers. Whereas video editing, web dev, artists, etc. are more cancel-prone.
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