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Posts posted by ajoyfulgrace

  1. Hi, I have always had a 100% response rate until recently I was on a road trip a week ago and could not get to my inbox within 5 minutes of every inquiry. Nothing went over 24 hours though and by the next day, I had responded to every single inquiry. Since then I have responded the minute I've opened my app to try to get my rate back up, but a lot of my inquiries come from overseas, and when they write I am asleep. I tend to get to them about 5 hours after they are sent. My rate has stayed in the 70th percentile since and I cannot get it back to 100% no matter how efficient I am.  (Currently at 79%) Does anyone know if there's something I am missing or if there is anything I can do? 

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  2. Hi, I just started getting "briefs" this morning for the first time. The weird thing is, I feel Fiverr is matching me with other people who are doing and offering the same thing I am. I am a seller, not a buyer so why would they be matching me with other sellers and not buyers looking for my service?

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  3. Thank you, yes, I did both. Support got back to me and says it was on his end. But then this guy wrote back saying He is in Paris and can't pay through a "third app" and needs his "accountant" to cut me a check and get it to me. It feels pretty questionable to me. In your experienced opinion, would you say this guy is trying to scam me? I went ahead and told him I need to keep all payments through Fiverr. He just replied, "It's up to you." So far my only experiences here have been spam and scams. It's so disheartening. 

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  4. Hi, I have my first potential client! Yay! But, he requested a custom order and when I sent it through he says he cannot access it. It gives him the message " transit error". Does anyone know what I can do to resolve this issue as quickly as possible? Thank you.

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  5. Hi I had someone request a custom order. I created one and sent and they are saying it won't go through and they are getting a note saying "Transit Error". Perhaps I have missed setting something up on my end, or do I need to withdraw the offer and just start again? Has anyone had experience with this and know what I can do to fix it?

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  6. Ok - with the assistance of chat gpt I was able to create what I think is a compassionate and clear boundary. I can't guarantee it will be read or respected but at least I know it's there! Thank you for that suggestion. 

    • Like 4
  7. I love both of these suggestions. Thank you.

    Newsmike- did any title come to mind for you that would sound more clinical? 

    Catwriter- What a bummer about the spam. I must be a little naive going into this thinking that's not possible. I like the idea of adding something on my page. Do you know if Fiverr might have a template for writing those kinds of specific descriptions?

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  8. Good heavens- I'm not even kidding I pressed send on that last message and already had a notification for another sexually related inquiry.  You can't make this stuff up. I want to cry. 


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  9. Ok, so it's now happened two more times. I have continued to block the people sending these inappropriate "inquiries".  I have also received a notification from someone pitching their service to me (in a completely unrelated field) and another asking me to interview for a job completely not in my area. Is this standard? I have not received any actual gig inquiries or interest in what I'm here to do. My sister even suggested perhaps "Empathetic listening" is a front for a different kind of interaction here on Fiverr. My pictures do not reflect the kind of interactions I'm getting. They are not "suggestive" in any manner.  I'm really bummed because I thought I found a place where I could actually help people. Would you suggest I just wait it out and keep learning more, or is this type of interaction the norm? Your suggestions, thoughts, and wisdom are much appreciated.

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  10. Hi, I’m brand new to Fiverr and I just received my first notification from a potential client. I’m an empathetic listener so I figured I might be in for a few creepy messages but not my first one. The guy left a message somewhat explicit but within this “story” that of course would pull on the heart strings of any empath. I obviously don’t want to take the client and I’m afraid to get bad marks right off the bat. What should I do? How does one handle this professionally and kindly (cause I don’t want to ignore him and leave him hanging but also kind of don’t want to engage). Please help!

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