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Everything posted by omorhasan74277

  1. Same here, I also run a discord server, and find these guys every day. They usually don't scam but they have a tendency to cancel easily and has a following pattern of chatting. 1. They want long time relationships (or so they says, probably don't they just want a cheap work done) 2. They have absurdly low prices (acts like they did not do market research) 3. "Show me update", "Get to work", Ï need to confirm from higher ups before placing order, so update me please" .......... these are the catch phrases I encountered the most so far. 4. Different accounts every time. 5. Likes to brag about account levels. 6. My opinion probably a ground of Nigerian kids, running a call center or ad farm of sorts getting orders from various sources and trying to do business on fiverr and upwork.
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