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Posts posted by dusuacangmon

  1. in my case the buyers rating rate is ~ 60%, i have completed 1001 order but i just got 612 review. Buyers don't have much time to do more than 1,2 mins task. Text in the gig page they even dont read, Q&A 100% surely don't. So why the review question is so loong with 5 row of question?. So frustrating with them.

    Instead of creating a rock in middle of the path, please make the path wider, find more $$$$ buyers to the platform, think about hourly rate, how to connect Pro seller with Agency, because Agency more likely a return customer than a one time buyer, etc.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    If it's 30 days, people will complain their historical performance isn't taken into account - if I did good work for 10 years, shouldn't that count?

    If it's all time, people will complain that the system never forgets, that one mistake will haunt you forever, etc. Not to mention long time sellers would be at a massive advantage.


    There's no perfect solution for this. In any case, 1 cancelation in 2 years isn't bad, and you also have all the successful orders you sold in those two years to compensate. Right?

    All in all, I think 2 years is a pretty sensible middle ground. 

    Fiverr lets you have 30 days to maintain the level but next 30 days you have 2 orders XD. I met many times these situations.

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  3. A buyer have 10$ in pocket will find the seller 10$ and rate 5 star for the value of the money. Then the buyer has 350$-1000$ in their pocket and will rate 5 stars for a Pro seller starting price from 300$. But the buyer has 10$ is 9999, and those 350-1000$ is 10 =)). So that means this year the whole Fiverr will have 3-4 star rating, no one will got 5. The same as the old system. nothing new. In Upwork, I saw many big enterprises that paid 20-30k USD for one seller, and they kept return, but here in my graphic designer category, I rarely saw those clients appear. If Fiverr want to have more return buyers, they need to do "working hours' feature for on going project.

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  4. From last year till now, i don't see any updated benefit for Seller:

    Extend the review delivery date to make endless orders complete

    "silent" reviews for Fiverr

    Now this rating system + value for money stat. Normally my frequent clients do 5 all the time, but now I just got 4.3 just because of the "value of money"? Fiverr doesn't want sellers to sell high to get more revenue.


    • Like 15
  5. The success Score is like on Upwork, they have the same score like this.

    I think the feature that needs to be updated is "Working Hour" like Upwork, which is an ongoing project with endless revisions happen will fit this.

    Or a hybrid between fix price and working hours like we do the main job done with a fixed price, and the revision part is working hour mode. So the seller will be very happy if the buyer do endless revision.

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  6. Fiverr seems to be making more changes making it harder to live. The order/month still the same or will be low on these "new features". Surely with this new "rating" system with the "value of money", the Pro seller whose start price of 350$ will never have 5 5-star ratings, will be against with PRO market while the purpose of this market is to sell in a high price. I feel hard to breathe from now on.

    • Like 8
  7. On 8/25/2023 at 10:06 PM, lenasemenkova said:

    Not good.

    I have $800(ish) of delivered work being held up due to “vacation” extensions now. 

    I made an effort to work more and deliver faster because I needed some extra funds this month and it all came to this anticlimactic halt. 

    December’s going to be a mess. 

    I can feel your pain, same here, Buyer ask for fast delivery but go vacation  1-2 weeks with high budget order. Pain.

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  8. On 2/16/2023 at 10:05 PM, shae23 said:

    After two and a half years on the platform, my first experience of this happened and I must say it left a sour taste in my mouth. A buyer placed an order to have an audio 90 minutes in length with 7 speakers transcribed. The delivery period of  3-5 days was agreed upon. 

    After the offer was accepted, the buyer returned and stated they needed it within 48 hours as it was urgent. That was the first red flag. But I've learned to take my losses and move on when it comes to certain buyers. In any case, the transcript was delivered within 24 hours. The buyer extends the review period by 5 days, bringing the total to eight days.

    How do need it within 48 hours as it is urgent, but need up to 8 days to review it?

    I feel your pain, bro. 

    This feature even don't have any notification, it went silently. Why seller need more time to delivery, we need to ask the buyer, but buyer need more time to review, they don't have to ask????

    • Like 52
  9. This feature need to have agreement for both buyer and seller.

    This feature relase but i don't have any notification about this also 😮 until now i got 2 time extend from buyer about this, and it even don't notice me about the buyer extend it??

    Why seller need more time for the delivery, he have to go to resolution center, but buyer dont?

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