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Everything posted by mazzama

  1. One point to add is that the more structured your content is, the more likely it is to be detected as AI. This is quite unavoidable if the content requires a list of points, features, steps, etc. In addition to that, as an Arabic/English content writer, most of the tools that claim to be optimized for Arabic are simply listing it there as if nobody will check. It becomes my word against an established, fancy-looking tool online. This becomes a real challenge to convince new clients of the quality they are getting when they hire a native Arabic speaker. AI has a long way to go to be fully optimized for Arabic.
  2. Additionally, I heard that other competitor platforms have reduced their commission fees; I wonder if Fiverr is considering doing the same.
  3. There is another point that I would like to raise concerning private feedback. It can be used intentionally to target and destroy someone's career on Fiverr, either by competitors or people who know the freelancer personally and wish him ill. (Sadly, I think this is my case, as I think some family members are trying to manipulate the system. I am not bringing personal drama to the platform; I am merely stating how the system can be manipulated.) I think Fiverr should not give first-time buyers, or buyers in general, too much power to destroy loyal freelancers who actually have better motives to build a career on the platform. Feedback should be made public so that if a freelancer believes a bad rating is unfair, he or she can’t change it, but will be aware of it and will not continue to work with that client. Truly, it makes no sense to give me a bad review, destroy my career, and keep coming back to me?
  4. I am waiting for their reply, what worries me the most that, those spam messages don't even show as clicks on my gigs analytics, seem like they are targeting my profile directly or something.
  5. Thank you. I hope it slows down a bit. I tend to report and block them right away, but they come one after the other, especially when I interact with them in any way, even reporting them. For example, I am ignoring 2 right now and didn’t report them. This way I got a 30 min peace of mind. Goodness!
  6. Hello guys, I have been in a long break from Fiverr, and I am trying to recover my account rating, and get back on track. I am glad that I was selected to join Fiverr seller plus a few days ago, and I thought that this might have a positive impact on my impressions. But my gig is still on the last page, and I am receiving continues spammy messages. It is quite scary. I think maybe my gig is promoted on the dark side of the internet or something LOL The confusing thing is, the more I report them or interact with them, the more they come. I am tempted to just ignore them. but I am worried about my inbox response rate, which is already bad, and I am trying to improve. Any advice? Fiverr support was always kind and helpful, but I don’t want to annoy them if not necessary. Best Regards
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