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Posts posted by followthefundev


    So I've seen the torrents of complaints from sellers about spam on this website, but this cannot be the only solution.

    I have 50 active orders open, and I need to message all of them about my absence. And after 5 orders, this message pops up every time, which requires you to hold it down for 10 seconds, then wait for a page reload. 

    Is anyone else affected by this? Is there any way to be added to a whitelist or something? I'm fairly sure it would only be new accounts that need this measure. 







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  2. On 8/29/2021 at 7:04 PM, visualstudios said:

    The buyer can "held you hostage" by not leaving a review.

    This is not something that new members will know though, this is something you discover through using the site a lot.


    On 8/28/2021 at 3:12 PM, smashradio said:

    Besides, if a buyer ends up misusing your audio (for example by using your music after having cancelled an order) you can actually take legal action against them. 

    While this is true, most people don't have the time or money for this. 

    On 8/28/2021 at 2:54 PM, callyofficial said:

    I feel it would better protect the seller to only submit the stems/parts/project files etc. once the buyer approves the order.

    Would it not make sense to add a watermark to it? Just like they do for image deliveries

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  3. image.png.2c59c55db26f2ec16d0a474167027f65.png

    I receive this notification more than once per day, it doesn't go away! On mobile it's broken too so I'm stuck with it on unread.

    If you click it, it takes you to gigs that cost more than just buying a subscription to one of these AI platforms and just doing what they're offering myself.

    See for yourself:


    Anyone else experiencing this?


    • Like 3
  4. 43 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    You're probably not working on more than five notification tabs simultaneously, anyway. Unless you have some sort of superpower, in which case, I want to hear more.

    I guess I have a super power! 😉

    I like to open them all and deal with the quick questions first, and then come back to the questions that need something a bit more. 

    But you're right, opening 5 at a time is probably the best way to go. As a long time user it would be nice if they loosened the lead a little though! 

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  5. When I open fiverr I usually have a lot of notifications. I like to go through them all and middle mouse click them to open them all in a new tab, and then go through them one by one in each tab.

    It means that if I'm uploading an image or something in one chat and it's taking forever, I can switch to another tab and respond to someone else. I can also visually see how many more people I need to reply to.

    But I guess rapid opening of tabs triggers some kind of filter - I've started getting this more and more, it's quite disruptive to my work. 



    I'm not a bot, I just use your service a lot. 

    • Like 4
  6. 4 hours ago, vovkaslovesnyy said:

    that's why we are so actively recommened to ask for a "honest feedback."

    I suppose just be careful how much emphasis you put on the 'honest' part. If you're not specifically advised to avoid just asking for 'feedback', I'd recommend saying that only. If someone insisted feedback be 'honest', some may misinterpret that as asking for criticism and put that in the review. 

    • Like 4
  7. On 4/6/2023 at 1:16 PM, vovkaslovesnyy said:

    Will it make you more mad (annoyed) if your sellers additionally ask you to leave a honest review after delivery? 

    I am asking that because that's what I am being actively recommended right now. 

    Sellers always ask me to leave a review anyway, and no it doesn't make me annoyed - I understand how important reviews are. But the truth is, if I haven't left a review already it's because it wouldn't be 5 stars so I'd rather just not say anything! It's not worth making enemies over.

    When you ask specifically for an "honest" review, aren't you risking a worse rating? Most reviews on fiverr aren't as honest as they could be. When buyers browse your honest reviews, they're not going to know you asked specifically for them to be honest, so relatively speaking it makes your profile look worse if all your feedback is more critical than average.

    It depends what your end goal is, but wouldn't it be better to ask for private feedback in the inbox? For example, "how could I have improved your experience on this order?". Most people will probably come up with fluff, but maybe you'd get some useful feedback every now and again! 


    On 4/6/2023 at 1:16 PM, vovkaslovesnyy said:

    I think they need to use the same approach as AirBnb, when both reviews are left at the same time (first you have to leave a private one, and then a public one). 

    Or simplify it further and put just one review. If you have something you want to tell the seller you can do so in the inbox lol


    On 4/6/2023 at 5:20 PM, theratypist said:

    I can only imagine how many notifications/emails they get! 😅

    I usually have about 50-90 active orders, each lasting a week or two - It's quite a lot of notifications! 🥲


    On 4/6/2023 at 6:47 PM, miiila said:

    That's a fun username, and I followed. (not because the name says to, though, but because I'm expecting more great posts like this one ;))

    Haha thanks! 🤣


    • Like 7
  8. 3 hours ago, catwriter said:

    you can simply message them and ask them for a custom offer.

    That's what I do anyway - but I usually have to ask them to disable the order requirements, otherwise I have to waste time filling out a big form with mandatory image fields and prompts etc. 

    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, uk1000 said:

    Though if they're all working on one project it might be better if the system could be more set up for that (ie. how it handles the orders).

    I agree, I also have a post about how large projects could be handled here: 


    But as it happens, this project is quite compartmentalised - all 50 people don't need to talk to each other. The reason I ask for groupchats is so I can have someone else do my job (and I would just oversee).

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  10. Oh ok cool! I always contact sellers first anyway. I think this is a good thing, I found it a bit crazy you could 'trap' a seller into completing your order.

    I thought you were saying we could now 'request custom offers' from sellers, in the same way they can offer custom orders to buyers

    • Like 7
  11. If you have any issues with a seller, just contact support - they have all the credentials at hand can can assess if something like this would be necessary. I don't think handing out real information to everyone would bring any benefit. 

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  12. I think seller listings would need to be removed from visibility on the days they don't work. I would find it a bit annoying to have lots of posts showing up from people that aren't going to reply to me for 2 days. 

    I think the gig economy tries to separate itself from the 7 day work week, but obviously people have jobs outside of fiverr too. 

    • Like 4
  13. I agree it would be a good feature, but the way I usually handle these situations is to open a second order for the amount of the partial refund, and cancel the larger one. Not ideal but at least a solution. 

    • Like 1
  14. This is a minor issue as it probably doesn’t align with the site’s vision. However I thought I’d just mention it anyway as this is one of the rare things upwork does better.

    Whenever I use the “request a service” feature, I usually get about 3-4 responses over the next few days, and they’re almost exclusively from people who’s price range is far above what I am looking to pay.

    I have a project that needs about 50 people working on it, and the only way I’ve been able to reliably recruit people for it has been to contact sellers directly, which I guess is how you’re supposed to use the site. 

    But if this is the case then why have the feature in the first place?

    On upwork, this is the only method of contacting sellers. When I put a request there, within an hour I had over 50 responses and had to close the listing because I had more than enough people for the project. 

    What do you think? Have you ever used this feature before?

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  15. For every order you make, Fiverr prompts you to “snitch” on the seller and tell the website in private how your real experience was. That’s fine, but if you have a lot of orders, it really starts to clog up the notification feed.

    I understand the necessity for a such a feature, given the human nature to not want to say something rude to the seller directly, and the importance of distinguishing good experiences from bad ones.

    However the current implementation is a bit spammy. Having this feature be a whole extra page of feedback, with extra notifications per order seems unnecessary. 


    1. Remove all notification spam regarding this feature

    2. Move the option to describe your “real” experience alongside the public one. So a “public” rating column and a “private rating” column.

    What do you think?

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  16. Whenever I open an order chat in my browser, it plays a little animation where all the messages slide downwards.

    In google chrome (which seems to have per-tab limitations on processing power), this animation literally plays at 5fps if you have more than 10 or so other tabs open, and takes up to 5 seconds to load before the page is actually useable. I also have to keep scrolling down during this time to reach the chat box at the bottom.

    Please can there be an option to disable this feature? I’d love for the messages to just already be on screen, positioned at the newest *unseen* message

    • Up 2
  17. Hi everyone!

    It would be really useful if we could add additional users to orders. What do you think?



    - Train paid supervisors on orders to reduce pressure and workload away from the project manager (upwork does this). 

    - Train other sellers to learn to produce the same work as you.

    - Have multiple sellers be able to collaborate together on-platform and not need to forward their work to you individually.

    - Multiple sellers can brainstorm an idea together in your presence.

    - Ability to organise autonomous management structures that can get work done on their own, that you can oversee without needing to directly organise.

    The current situation:

    If you want to make a group project now, you have to:

    - Give your account details to a third party so they can access the same chats as you.

    - Tell the seller to communicate with a second account outside of the one they have an order with (looks sketchy to the seller). You can then moderate that account while giving access to the third party.

    - Use another platform to organise the order (discord, trello, etc), meaning discussions take place off-platform (Fiverr support no longer able to oversee in case of dispute).

    None of these options are particularly good for anyone. I like that Fiverr can see over our orders if we ask for help. It also feels nice to keep everything contained within the website for organisational purposes.

    How would it work?

    1. Create an order.

    2. Press “invite user” button (available to all parties). 

    3. It would send an invitation to the inbox of whoever you invited. Instead of it saying “accept offer” it would say “join offer”, and they’d be able to talk in the chat.

    Added users would not have the ability to actually accept deliveries- only the buyer can do that. However, they would have the ability to request revisions. 

    There’s been talk:

    I’ve googled around and seen some discussion about this on Fiverr but no way to actually implement it.

    This feature would save me so much time if I could pay other people to invigilate my orders.

    What do you think? 

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