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Posts posted by designelitely

  1. In past, I would have guided the new/first time buyers, accept their offer and work with them without any worry......I'd be very excited that I could help them make their first 'book' and inform them how to upload the book on Amazon, Lulu, B&N, IngramSpark platforms. And even how to do SEO on their portfolio, book description. All this I would do free of charge, out of enthusiasm and to guide them, because they are 'new' on this journey. And I wanted to be a part of their journey.

    After the new system's implemented, all I feel is 'fear and worry' now. I really get anxious if a new buyer asks me to help him in his/her book project. It is not because he/she is new. It is because his/her one mistake or not understanding how this strange scoring system works, I could get penalized and lose everything.

    I now check, recheck a buyer and his profile again and again in order to make sure things are gonna be fine after the order is placed. I really don't take as many orders now as I used to. Everything on the platform has reached to another level of 'anxiety and worry', a never ending and tiring game of hopelessness and fear!!


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  2. I usually try to fulfil a client's request for revision. Even if the client comes after one month of the order completion, I try to change/modify/fix the areas she/he is requesting me to help on. Why? Because I consider this a part of my work. Not anything extra.

    Yes, there are a few difficult clients, whose revision requests are so strange, stressful, time consuming. I have had one client who sent request for re-making the book, because she realized she didn't want the type of book she initially started the order for. I actually re-made the book(150 pages book). Most, I would say, 98% clients/buyers are not like that, though. 

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  3. On 2/20/2023 at 9:10 PM, malkolmx said:

    haha😄, feeling that makes you more effective, is your first order difficult? 

    On this(Fiverr) platform, no work from any of my gigs will be difficult for me. Because I am skilled in what I offer. I am new here, but I am not new in my work,and have years or experience.

    Thanks for asking... 🙂

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  4. A mixed feeling of excitement and worry. I wanted to give the best to my customer,and I was worried that I might not have been able to do my best. So, I was pushing harder to produce the best work possible! 🙂 Excited, because I wanted to produce something beautiful, productive, helpful for my customer. 


    Lucky for me, that first customer was happy with the end result.... 🥰

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