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Posts posted by dylesto

  1. 1 hour ago, rahulkajla1 said:

    Indeed. Try this. Open accounts of his recent 3 buyers. Look at the profiles from which they have received the reviews. There are a lot of similar sellers. When you visit those seller profiles, you'll see the exact same thing. It's like a spider's web. You can spend days researching and finding these accounts with fake reviews.


    It's also funny that almost all of the delivery images look identical, just a different name. He uses templates for all of them to save time...

    • Like 4
  2. 1 minute ago, rahulkajla1 said:

    He isn't lying, actually. He is telling the truth. He really hasn't received any orders recently.

    This is just a theory. I am not blaming anyone. Based on the profiles of his recent buyers, I have a feeling (I'd say I am 99.85% sure) that all the recent reviews the buyer has are fake. He is saying he hasn't received any orders in the last 8 months because he really hasn't received any orders. The reviews we see are bought from some guy promising success on Fiverr. I am not sure if I remember it correctly, but they call these orders VVRO or something like that. This is similar to that club fiasco we had a few weeks ago.

    If anyone has some free time on their hands, like I do now, do a little research. Visit the account of his recent buyers. You'll see a very clear pattern. If you dig a bit deeper, you'll end up finding hundreds of accounts doing the exact same thing.

    My coffee is finished, and so is my leisure time. I'll continue my research some other day.


    I did not see this the first time I looked at his profile but after reading you comment I have to agree with you that there is indeed a pattern, al these acounts look the same and follow that pattern.

    • Like 4
  3. This means that you paused your gig at some time, Fiverr keeps the changes you made and notes them down in the square that pops up when you click on the orange circle, you can check your gig status at the fiverr help center or click on your paused gigs, your gig is active if you can't find your gig at the paused and it only shows up in the active.

    Hope this helps.

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  4. There could be many aspects to look at if your Fiverr gig is not selling. Check to see if you've tackled the points that I've mentioned here.

    1) You're not working on your response rate

    To advance to a higher seller level on Fiverr, you must complete a few prerequisites. One of the requirements is that you maintain a response rate of at least 90% for 60 days. Because the response rate indicator only takes into account the previous 60 days of seller activity, you can always enhance your response by replying to new communications within 24 hours.

    Responsiveness is critical to seller success on Fiverr. Quality vendors can stand out and surpass their competitors by having a high response rate. Sellers who wish to build their businesses should prioritize having a good response time and rate because responsiveness influences sales and profitability. You can earn more money on Fiverr if you have a higher seller level. Get more Fiverr messages in your inbox, allowing you to improve your response time and rate by responding within 24 hours.

    2) You're not cross-promoting your gigs within Fiverr

    There are three ways to cross-promote:

    • In your gig descriptions, include a link to your related gigs
    • Have many gigs connected to the same type of service, such as real estate whiteboard videos, explainer videos, whiteboard animations, and service whiteboard animations
    • In your feedback comments, include a link to your other gigs, such as "I'm delighted you enjoyed my logo design." With that logo, a bespoke header for your newsletter would be ideal. "Take a look at my header gig."

    3) Your gig ad doesn't appeal to clients


    The thumbnail resembles a book cover... Most individuals select whether or not to read a book solely based on its cover. Is your thumbnail appealing to the eye? Is there a video available? Do you have any suitable samples? Will folks be tempted to click on your gig simply because they saw it advertised? Get some feedback from someone who is looking for work similar to yours.

    4) Your gig doesn't make sense

    People are clueless about their effectiveness when it comes to gig descriptions. You need to receive some input. Collaborate with a few friends or coworkers. Request that they search for your gig as if they were purchasers. Inquire as to why they would or would not buy it in comparison to other gigs they've seen.

    Hope my answer helps. Cheers!

    • Like 9
  5. It’s because your gig is not competitive enough to standout. If you are a new seller go through the best selling gigs on Fiverr and observe the things that how they have presented their gigs, what they are offering, gig images, description, tags and everything must be observed. Remember that you are a new seller and there are millions of people you are going to compete with.

    • Make as many gigs as you are allowed
    • Keep your gigs unique from titles to tags
    • Stay active on Fiverr
    • Keep yourself update with the changes

    I hope this will help you out.

    • Like 9
  6. 16 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    You will always run into this kind of thing when you have a platform that allows you to make money with no barrier to entry. It did get worse during the pandemic though, when there was a ton of pressure on people to start working remote.


    I was thinking on joining Fiverr pro, I see you are a pro seller. 

    Are there any unprofessionals at Fiverr Pro?

    • Like 9
  7. Hello there,

    I started selling on fiverr a month ago, I've been working in the post production industry for some years now and thought I could give Fiverr a try.

    One thing that shocked me is the fact that so many sellers...

    -Have a low level of english

    -Are lying about their abilities

    -Don't have (or have little) experience


    And Fiverr is full of these sellers, they all have the same looking profile picture, same looking gig images/videos and the same descriptions.

    "I am photoshop expart" or "I am marketing profesionnal" etc...


    For the older sellers here, was this always like this or did these sellers start to come later (and at which year)?

    • Like 15
  8. I was in a similar situation, the project costed me 1 week and 8 hours of work. When I delivery the order the buyer told me that he changed his mind and did not need the end result any more, very rude but it can happen sometimes. I contacted the customer support and refused to accept the cancellation. CS contacted the buyer and after some time I received the money. The order was worth 500 US Dollars, still very glad that I did not accept the cancellation...

    • Like 10
    • Confused 1
    • Up 3
  9. 3 hours ago, shawalshajib said:

    It would help if you learned proper English first to communicate with your potential buyer to get the first order.


    A bit harsh but very true, if your level of english is insufficient, buyers will sadly not trust you...

    ...I hope you do not write your gigs with this level of english.

    • Like 7
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    • Thanks 1
  10. "I'm a Digital marketing expert"

    It's not illegal to label yourself as an expert, I don't know what you mean with expert but don't label yourself as one. Sellers will think you are lying or        over-exaggerating.

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  11. Hello there!

    I've been a colorist and VFX artist for some years now and I wanted to give Fiverr a try.

    But the unprofessionalism and how much there is being lied about shocked me, In the color grading category the only thing they do is apply a LUT and call themselves colorists. I contacted one and he told me he had clients like Delta airlines and shell, those are literally multi-billion dollar companies. 

    So I wanted to give Fiverr pro a try, applied for the program, showed my previous work and where I studied, almost two months and still no answer...

    For the Fiverr pro sellers out here, how long did it take you? and do you still deal with those liars?

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