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Everything posted by congruentgraph

  1. Hi there, I've been having this issue for month now and could not fix it on my end. I am running on windows 11 with all the latest updates and in chrome when I have Fiverr open it takes up 20% or more of my CPU (i7 8700k). This only happens with Fiverr and no other website. For example the entire load without it is 4% and then if I only open 1 Fiverr tab it goes up to 20% and if more are open it goes progressively higher. I've tried a clean Chrome reinstall, using edge, nothing worked. Anyone else has this issue? Thank you, Stefan
  2. In other words it's not the most important thing some how.
  3. mine is 10 and has been 10 since they implemented this feature. This being said, I'm not getting a lot of new organic orders.
  4. You are right. Sellers are workers and society has come up with a means of protection for them and they are called unions. Online sellers do not get that luxury. It's in any business's nature to get the most out of it's resources sellers and workers included. The only way the new rating sistem will be changed is if it does a dent into their sales and it will. This does not change the fact that Ai will take over regardless.
  5. Are you happy on Fiverr? You've been here longer than I have, do you feel the past 2 years of changes have helped you grow on Fiverr?
  6. Very, very true but the alternative is to wait for the algorithm to ignore you.
  7. Hi there, This is my story. I've joined back in 2015 when the only gig price you could set was $5, hence the name Fiverr. I remember when they added the option to include Extras as a way to bump up your income as well as theirs and all the other changes since. I've been active this hole time and Fiverr has been my main source of income. Fast forward to today when I have a wife, 2 kids, a house, 2 cars and a lot more responsibilities. I'm in the logo design industry that has a bit of experience and offers great quality, I only get up to 10 orders/month at a higher price. I've lowered my prices by 40% to remain competitive and have got more orders but at the same time my prices are about where they were in 2019 when all costs were 30-40% lower. (should also mention that taxes are way higher now) The new rating system will force all of us who want to stay in business here to lower our prices to get more volume of work to drown bad reviews as otherwise the only option is to get no orders as a result of bad reviews. My latest 2 orders went great: first one, the client was super happy, he even mentioned leaving a 5 star review and ended up giving me 4.7 (the value for money criteria...), the second order, different client, even happier, gave me a stellar review $50tip and a 4.2 rating. Now, how is that possible? I've got 1500+reviews and never had 2 with less than 5stars one after the other, in fact I have less than 7 reviews less than 5stars in 1500. This new metric will lower our income as well as fiverrs and will allow them to curate their platform with little to no effort. The big question is how much time will Fiverr accept lower turnovers. As a result at best I will be fluctuating between TRS and level 2 and occasionally level 1. The big question is this: Is there a future on fiverr for sellers who live in developed countries? I am optimistic by nature but the way I see it, Fiverr want to make sure they retain ONLY the sellers who offer decent quality at very low costs. My assumption is that this is the right choice to make if you wish to integrate AI as a service provider later on. I'm convinced this is going to happen and that is is only a matter of time. 10 years from now there won't be much online freelancing left but time will tell. Have a great day everyone! and good luck!
  8. Did you try promoting your gigs with no cap? That always seems to work well.
  9. Right now it is. I am low in the results order but exist… Just keep up the good work and I am sure it will!
  10. I’m sorry to hear that! I’ve been there so know exactly what you are going through.
  11. I would try reaching out to CS and see what they say. This happened to me a while back and there was indeed an issue which they managed to fix. As long as you still get new orders I wouldn’t worry too much.
  12. Hi guys and gals, Wanted to throw out there a bit of a challenge. Show your world domination! For those wondering where to find it, check out the Analytics section close to the bottom screenshot.391394×726 73.3 KB of the page.Thank you, Stefan
  13. Same here would love to get an Russian order!! I’m at 20%. I think FIverr does not advertise as much over there.
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