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Status Updates posted by chayanroy354

  1. This Is My 1st milestone. I am So Happy. Thank You Fiverr for Given Me a Good Buyer,


  2. Today I am So happy and my client all so be happy for my work. This is my 1st review. Thank you Fiverr.


  3. Finally Done My 1st Job In Fiverr Marketplace. Thank you Fiverr for give me this opportunity.

    Fiver 1st Order.jpg

    1. parag_writing


      You are so lucky! Best wishes You Dear!

    2. chayanroy354


      Thank you Dear

  4. My 1st Order is Going on 

    I am very happy today. Because after a long time hypothetically say 2 years, I finally got my first order on fiver marketplace. Pray me to always do my work with best effort

    Fiver 1st Order.jpg

  5. 1+ year i was connected in fiverr. But fiverr is not give me any buyer. Now what can i do.

  6. why you give me plenty? What the warning reasons please tale me...

    1. imagination7413


      Did you read what the warning stated? Since you may have missed it, the message that came with the warning was:


      Fiverr Terms of Service apply on the forums. External contact information is not permitted. (This includes your profile.)

  7. Finally I Pass my Recommendation Fiverr Test.

    Forum post.jpg

  8. What is the use of time in Fiver? Looking for help and advice from experienced people.


    check here


  9. How important is test taken after publishing a gig on Fiverr?

    Fiverr forum post 01.jpg

    1. vickieito


      Not that important. It's more important to show the skills to your buyers via a strong portfolio so that they know what to expect if they buy from you.

    2. freelanceramit1
  10. My Total Digital Marketing Services:

    What is Total Digital Marketing?

    My Total Digital Marketing Solution enables businesses to partner with us to maximize the benefits of digital marketing in their business. Essentially, My Services becomes your digital marketing department.

    The promotion of brands via the internet and other digital communication channels is known as digital marketing, sometimes known as online marketing. This comprises text and multimedia messages as well as email, social media, and web-based advertising as a marketing channel.

    I will Give You The Service Mentioned Below

    1. Facebook Ads Campaign
    2. Virtual Assistant
    3. Google And YouTube Ads
    4. Leads Generation
    5. Classified Ads Posting
    6. Google Top Ranking
    7. Link Building
    8. Graphics Design
    9. Admin Support
    10. Program Scheduling
    11. YouTube Channel Create
    12. Video SEO Service
    13. Channel Monetization
    14. Facebook Business Page Create
    15. Organic Ads Management
    16. Web Research
    17. Office Management



    You Find here the Perfect Unique Gift Idea at Marketing

    More Details >>> Click Here

    My Service Specialty

    • Friendly Communication
    • Neat and Clean Service
    • Full-Time Online Availability
    • Worke Like Inbound office work
    • Fluent in Conversation
    • Solve any critical Problem
    • Expert in work-related computer software

    My Aim is to Satisfy you by any cost

    Join Me

    If you choose my service you can hire me on a monthly basis

    Please contact me before placing an order


    Hire Me >>>>>>>>> HERE

    chayanroy356 (1).jpg

  11. I have a Big question 😃

    Supposed a new seller unfortunately didn't completed level 1 condition,,,as like 10 order+400$ incom in 60 Day. But he/she After next month doing lots of project doing well. In this case there range where is gonna?


  12. I have a Big question 😃

    Supposed a new seller unfortunately didn't completed level 1 condition,,,as like 10 order+400$ incom in 60 Day. But he/she After next month doing lots of project doing well. In this case there range where is gonna?

  13. Quote

    Happy New Year 2023

    Hi There ,

    Happy Happy New Year 2023 , I wish all of Guess Happy Journeys in this new years.  

    Black & White Graffiti Wall Quote Instagram Post.jpg

  14. Hi There,  🤝
    I tried to reach out to discuss potentially working together.
    I want to connect with you.📢
    Currently, I am seeking new Opportunities.
    Best regards 💕
    Chayan Roy

  15. Can somebody give you favorite reaction💗 in my gig...I will be feedback here gig.

    1. chayanroy354


      Hi There,  🤝

      I tried to reach out to discuss potentially working together.

      I want to connect with you.📢

      Currently, I am seeking new Opportunities.

      Best regards 💕

      Chayan Roy


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