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  1. Have fiverr asked about updating the price list (Basic, Standard, Premium)? Have they noticed anything regard this issue?
  2. Thanks to share her experience. It is really motivative & helpful for other seller 🙂. Finally thanks to @Yoav.M for arranging all. I appreciate such type of supportive arrangement. 💙❤️💛
  3. My gig impression 2.3k+, click 9 but not get briefs yet. What is problem here????
  4. You have to stay more on fiverr. Stay live 24X7, Share your gigs Use LinkedIn marketing Participate more in foruming. Wish you all the best. 👍
  5. There is no order since last 50 days😞. Now its really hard to continue with fiverr. If we stay later idle day after day in fiverr, what will happen to us!!!? Can anyone advise how to get order rapidly? Seeking expert advice....
  6. Fiverr want to see your activeness on line & its help to get order rapidly.
  7. I also face this issue & successfully taken off. Now a days fiverr doing so what was not before. Anyway when you get the fail notice then have you receive any 90 days restriction notice to post gigs? If you not get then you can face the exam once again. But if you get 90 days restriction notice to post gigs then you have to wait for 90 days. Be well prepare before facing this exam for the next time. Good luck...
  8. Good luck!!! Try to active on fiverr for 24X7.
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