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Posts posted by amit_juboraz_


    On 8/29/2023 at 12:24 PM, shammy_hasan said:

    Hello! Myself Shammy. I'm a professional Graphics designer. I already completed my skill test ( Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator) on FIverr. But I didn't get Any order And click. Anyone Suggest me how can I get order? Give me some advice

    There are several article about this, please read this. I think there are no secret sauce about to get order quickly.

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  2. 8 hours ago, acreative99 said:

    I created my Fiverr account two months ago and completed three orders. However, one order got cancelled and since then, I haven't received any messages or orders. I tried adding gigs to my account, but it hasn't been ranking. I did SEO for it, but it still didn't work. What should I do?

    It's really tough to say in one word, there are several factors like depends on your gig quality, service type, pricing and others. You need to marketing your gig in social media to achieve your desire clients.

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  3. On 8/19/2023 at 10:48 PM, sonali_smirity said:

    I am a new seller In fiverr. I created new account science 1 month. But I don't get any order. Please shear me some tips for get my 1st order

    Hi, i think there is no secrete sauce to find a desire buyers in short time. Please follow there are several post here  to find your desire clients.

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