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Posts posted by smart_grantz

  1. 50 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:


    Have you enabled the Get Briefs feature and set the price? If yes, play with the different prices until you get the matched job! It's a tricky feature!

    Just checked your profile: In one of your gig, you have mentioned "WE", while in other gigs, you have mentioned "I" in the gig descriptions. Why is that?

    Also, you have copied the content from Google? It would be better to reword it or use your own words (content).. 

    P.S. You just need to work on your gigs. Improve them!

    I have been updating mine for a while now and just yesterday I started receiving briefs!

    • Like 4
  2. I think fiver rotates this gig placement so that every seller can be seen. Moving from page one to two is not bad. Some get deranked and there gig will be nowhere to be found.

    In essence, just keep delivering on time and you're good 

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  3. 18 minutes ago, tarnos said:

    I will also add that I've seen a lot of "experts" on fiverr.

    When I tried to order something from them, NONE was able to do a simple scripting job for excel/google sheets.
    If i had spent a bit of time reading through a documentation, I would have done it...
    Had to search for someone on discord to get this done instead.

    Fiverr has tons of "experts" that work for $10, but my experience with them was terrible.
    They have 5-10 years of experience(apparently), but can't do the simplest of things.

    Seems like if someone offers such a low price on their gig, that they don't believe in their own skill.
    Don't offer skills you can't provide is the easiest way to put it, don't say that you are an expert if you are not confident.
    The word "expert" lost it's meaning after I've seen it on fiverr too many times.

    I'd rather see examples of your work that will convince me.

    You're right, I mean I have been working for over five years before someone introduced me to this platform which I spent months reading about. I read all the articles they have about sellers and buyers, read up stories online and watched YouTube videos before I was finally ready to create a gig. But now that I'm here I often see gigs that are not even well thought about before creating and many that actually violate the TOS. So many of them looking for buyers to disappoint because they cannot offer the skill they're advertising. I just know the fiverr algorithm is smart and can sort quality gigs.

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