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Everything posted by toukirjoy

  1. Here have SEO tricks for Gig titles: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011094958-SEO-tricks-for-Gig-titles
  2. Here have a detail to use promoted feature perfectly. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs
  3. Please read this carefully to "Editing & managing your Gig". Here have a section how to do rank your gig. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs
  4. It is undoubtedly a good thing that you developed a best relation with your client. Fiverr definitely appreciates & It will help you get more orders from him in the future. But, Never drag your personal account or get into another marketplace or other conversation. So that, Your profile will be in risk and you can never do like that according to Fiverr's Rules.
  5. Your point is reasonable. But, Is it the "Impressions" you mentioned is "Gig Impressions"? If I'm correct, the poll is aimed at Gig Impressions.
  6. I think at first you should to speak politely to the new buyer. Inform him about your current situation and time-frame. Hope he will let you know his decision. If he needs the work quickly, then you can take time from the old buyer, if the job is a long term job.
  7. Before the request of refund, you can take request for revision by talking with the guy with proper comments, what do you need exactly.
  8. You can start with 5$. Why are you looking for absolutely free?
  9. If you want to be professional, never use two accounts. This is against Fiverr's Terms and Conditions. However, there is no problem in working on multiple accounts on the same internet connection, if the accounts are in different someone else like your brother, sister etc.
  10. Here is the spam messages on the screenshot. You can check all messages by the category. If there haven't any messages, talk to the support to this issue.
  11. Fiver profile test have not yet been prioritized as such. It's not related to your gig rank and if you don't give it, there will be no problem till now. But if the test result will be good, you can show it in profile, which will be a plus point to highlight your skills. That's it.
  12. Your gig services should be related to what you chose as your core skill when opening your account.
  13. I like this page too because of more space and looking clean. I am feeling good on messaging.
  14. I have just got the updated inbox page. It's full width design interface. Who are love this new page?
  15. If your hover over the Order response rate, you can see a tool-tip: "This is how often you answered order messages and revision requests within 24h in the last 60 days." You will see the red mark countdown on Dashboard page and also on "Orders" page any type of orders. Please check all orders. To get more details, please go here and read carefully: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4402267295249
  16. Use prominent keyword tag on your gig, Be online as much as possible, Share your gig link on social media for marketing. Those will be helpful for your gig much.
  17. I have got same questions from a few other friends, they were not getting the brief from the start of the brief system. The brief comes mainly based on the category or core path of your services. Do you use the correct categories paths in your gig and they are consistent with your main services follow the Fiverr rules? I can be a matter of the brief. If all things are right and If you still don't get it, Please talk with the customer support of Fiverr.
  18. I found, After get repeated 3-5 orders together, its percentage increased slowly. Although Previously, I have got this Batch only after 1-2 orders repeated. Actually, How it works or calculation for this Repeat Business?
  19. I think, Fiverr is most secure now to this matter. Fiverr can detect their activity and filter out them on spam. After verify them fully, the fake buyers profile will block/disable like the screenshot.
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