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Everything posted by zi_jibon

  1. If I click on not interested on any brief then will stope to come the brief? Please share your experience about it. thank you!
  2. Hello there, I'm going to depress because my gigs are going down, down and down. I do marketing regularly on social media and classified sites. Please tell me if any suggestions. Thank you! zi jibon
  3. This update is good for every seller but I think this is challenging for new sellers. But Fiverr was a beginner-friendly marketplace so we hope fiverr will distribute the match or brief new sellers also.
  4. Same I opened my account around 2 months I completed a order around 10 days ago After completed order I got 5 star feed back. But my gig going t down day-by-day impressions and click also. Now I'm very depressed. I continue marketing my gigs regularly but I didn't result. Please help me some one how can I get second order???
  5. I face the same problem year. gigs are going down day by day I don't understand what can I do now😕 I continue marketing all gigs but there is no improvement.
  6. Now Match and brief like a golden egg specially new seller. you can on math and brief and active on fiver more and more as far as possible.
  7. You Have to make proper gig SEO. Then you to have to marketing your gig on social media and blog posts regularly.
  8. Many people face that problem over the last two weak. To earn click in gig everybody should be marketing more and more than previous marketing, Specially new sellers.
  9. You have to more and more marketing your gig and active on Fiverr for more time
  10. To get more view and impression you have to marketing your gig regularly and be active on Fiverr.
  11. As a New How can promote his gig? Will he only promote the gig on social media platforms? Or is there any other platform to promote the gig?
  12. Last tow or three days impression going down for all gigs > 7 gigs published in my profile > Category Programming and tech > I do gig marketing every day on various social media Please give me suggestions if any solve that issue Thank you Zi jibon
  13. If you get more buyer request flowing this steps. > Publish All gig (7 gig) > Select relevant category > Select right platform about gig > Keep 5 relevant keyword. must 3 high competitive and 2 low competitive > Push all keyword in description
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