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Everything posted by shantanu121355

  1. And my gig will not show on normal search?
  2. If i turn on promote feature on Fiverr will it will show my gig on normal search or buyer will see my gig as promoted gig??
  3. If your order cancelation rate is less than 90% both is bad
  4. Yes, you can. And it can give you huge traffic as well as orders
  5. And yes i have evidence. this is my impression graph See after getting an order impression becomes very low. it's not like I am not getting orders after my delivery in 30 minutes I got another order every time just the problem is after that order it's gone every time. Right now I have 5 1 month orders running which need 1 month to deliver.
  6. But people have more than 40 orders in the queue but they are visible. I don't know what is happening. btw thanks for your advice
  7. It's happening with me after my gig rank. after this post, I got a new order and now it's not showing also. after my client accept my delivery and the number become less than 6 it will be visible
  8. My gig is ranked and I am a new seller but it vanished from the search result when the orders in the queue are more than 6. When I submit an order and the number of orders in the queue number decreased it becomes visible. can anyone give me the solution? The limit order feature is not enabled.
  9. Brother use your advertising expertise to advertise your gig and people will come to your gig and you will get orders
  10. you need good reviews then your gig will rank on the first page. to get orders you should do social media advertising
  11. You should not do that. bcz when you publish a gig the URL generate with the title so if you change the title it wnt let your gig rank
  12. If you are getting imp but no clicks that's mean you have to improve your gig image so that it can make the buyers feel interest in your gig
  13. Run advertisements on social media so you can get clients and they order you on Fiverr
  14. The first thing you have to do is gig seo for your organic gig growth. Next, you need to get orders to rank on the top. question is how you will get the order. do advertising on social media. because your post will not reach too many people as we know our normal post reach capacity is poor. Thank you
  15. if you do not find differences then surely you will not get enough imp and clicks because they are ruling on their keywords and if you use the same you have to face a lot of competition. choose some low-competitive keywords as well as take some high-competition keywords. Besides this write your own description and in the description use the keywords you have selected. And then see if your gig is organically moving forward. For exp, your gig comes to 16 15 14 pages from 20 19 18. if yes then run ads on social media which will give you real orders and traffic and your gig will get a boost and then there will be higher chances your gig will get ranked. And with fewer orders, you can rank in low competitive keywords and then you get orders which help you to rank in High competitive keywords. You can also reach people by messaging them on social media who need your service and try to convince them by doing some free work for them and them take them on fiverr.
  16. If your gig is ok you should run ads on social media to generate traffic to your gig. it will give you the order also. and your gig will get boosted and it will be ranked. As sharing your gig links will not give you reach. Besides this, there are too many gigs in most of the keywords/services so running ads is a good option. another way is to try to reach those people on Instagram or LinkedIn who need your service and convince them to buy your service.
  17. Basically, as you stopped your gig when it was ranked and edit its title now it goes to the bottom. you need to give the gig time. it will take a lot of time. Besides this changing title is not good for gigs
  18. experience allows people to accept true things. Radhe Radhe
  19. No, if that was the answer I surely accept it. There is no problem with a negative comment. you have an ego that does not let you accept sometimes you may be wrong. see without doing anything my gigs again come back to the 1st page. And that's the issue of why it's going and coming back.
  20. I was not active on Fiverr. give me the reason why it's completely out of search instead of saying it is just a creative issue. because if it was it would be deranked slowly but in my case here the situation is different. i hope you understand
  21. try to answer something destructive and constructive and if you do not have any idea just skip it. Yes, I claim myself a "Professionally Trained Digital Marketing expert" and that's why( for my service ) my gig comes on the first page again and again. Here the fact is different if you do not have the intention to understand the issue then no one can make you understand.
  22. See the graph. my gig came on first page and its deranked and even it was not findable on Fiverr. after few days it again ranked and after two days it's gone again. (in two days i got orders not deliver anything)
  23. If you are using any auto refresh page extension, turn it off for 30 minutes at least and refresh the dashboard page manually. i hope this problem will be solved
  24. Nowadays everybody is sharing their gigs on social media through normal posts or sharing the gig on groups so this will not go to help from my point of view. The best way is to find the people who need your service and reach them and try to convince them to take your service. Give them free service the first time so they can believe in you and your work quality. Note: Do not copy-paste the same thing with the gig URL to everyone if they report you. You will be suspended from social media and obviously, that's not gonna help you.
  25. Hello, your gig looks good if it is not copied it will rank. try to find people outside of Fiverr as a new seller for sure do not get orders. but do not buy reviews. try hard and soul to get an order from outside. and do free work outside of Fiverr then bring them here.
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