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Everything posted by ben_grahicx

  1. From my observation, it seems this Fiverr Brief is only working for the old account and top seller's. New seller are not benefiting from this update. Is there anything we are missing?
  2. Yes it's absolutely possible because I have did that for my old account. make sure while you are deleting the old one your should write down your reason why you want to delete the account. It's very important, with that you will be able to use same details to create your new account without any issues. Thanks
  3. You are absolutely right. I have send almost up to 500 buyers request but I only manage to just 5 real buyers project. Most are from fake buyers while some offer's are from sellers trying to promote their gigs and many more. This Brief would be better but it should be in a way that favor everyone.
  4. Thanks for your enlightenment. I really appreciate your time. One more thing I will like to understand is that, is it possible for us to receive this brief matching through our mobile app since we already updated our mobile app without buyer request? Or the brief matching message or notifications only works for pc? I will love to hear your opinion. Thanks
  5. You are right with your observations because many seller do send fake offer while some people will post to get clicks. I'm still confused on how to go about this brief making. I will be glad if you put me through because I'm just a new seller
  6. Its really not working for both seller and buyer I guess. I think Fiverr needs to do something about it.
  7. But, is this new feature going to favor everyone mostly we the new members because since last month I updated my app. I haven't got any Brief matching notifications
  8. Hello! I really need help on this Fiverr Brief new feature. How does it work because since I updated my Fiverr mobile app, buyers request is not available anymore. If you have any idea on this Fiverr Brief matching and what to use to receive Brief, please enlighten me about it. Thanks
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