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Posts posted by mamun_acca

  1. 9 hours ago, breals said:

    It's hard to say whether you're in a good position or not. What's important for you is that you feel your gig is the very best it can be, If that's the case you just have to let the algorithm do its part, and you do yours. 

    Judging by how many people on this forum are looking at their impressions on a daily basis and then complaining that they aren't getting sales. I would say that once you're satisfied with your gig you should sit back and BE PATIENT. 

    A lot of freelancers on here, will join Fiverr expecting to get rich quick, (literally overnight) But I can assure you that this won't happen.  It takes weeks and sometimes months to get your first order.   

    A lot of people on this thread will also tell you to 'be active online 24' , 'send buyer requests' and 'share on social media' - This process is once again only suitable for the IMPATIENT, and you will quickly become bored of it, and ultimately give up. 

    Over my time on the forum, I have seen lots of people trying to scam the review process, buy using dummy accounts to post fictious 5 star reviews, sharing their gig to literally every social media page that will take it. and creating fake buyer requests to try and generate sales. 

    The point I'm getting at it is, that even though people think they can beat the system, they can't, and the Fiverr algorithm can pick up many different factors that we aren't even aware of.  Including IMPATIENCE. 

    So whilst your impressions are low at the minute, I suggest you stick to your plan, and don't do anything stupid.   Fiverr rewards well written, innovate and quality gigs. 

    As the poor-quality freelancers fall away in this new world of Fiverr, the good ones will hopefully begin to prosper. 

    Good luck in your journey



    @brealsThank you.

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  2. I am new in Fiverr. Is now almost 1 week and I am getting average 20 impressions per day and getting 1 click 1 day after. I can not see my gig in search keyword within 1-20 pages for that I want to know, How is my GIG positions? and Overall is it in good position or not?

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