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Everything posted by zakiakhan321

  1. i have told him and explain the situation but he did not respond he is online but did not respond me
  2. i am working a wordpress website project during working a face technical issue on website i approach client to give me acess but he did not give me acess details what i have to do now
  3. I achieved Level One status on Fiverr, which was an exciting milestone for me. However, since earning the Level One badge, I've noticed a decline in new client orders. I am curious about the potential reasons behind the decrease in new client engagement. I have thoroughly reviewed and optimized my gig, ensuring it is attractive and compelling. Despite these efforts, the influx of new clients seems to have slowed down.Any insights, advice, or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated. How can I enhance my profile and attract new clients?
  4. I have been receiving frequent orders on Fiverr, but after reaching Level One, I noticed a significant decline in new orders. Even though my gigs are optimized and have good SEO, I haven't been receiving orders from new clients. It's perplexing because two of my gigs are on the first page. Can anyone suggest what I should do in this situation? I have tried optimizing my gigs and utilizing SEO techniques, but I'm not sure what could be the issue.
  5. My All gig has been Deranked despite my efforts to change it, including adding videos to some gigs and editing others. If anyone has experienced this problem, would you sharing a solution with me?
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