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Posts posted by rnotte

  1. 1 hour ago, vickieito said:

    Hi @rnotte,

    You are an artist with skills in music and animation. A "happy customer" starts with the very first experience with your gig - first with your gig in search and then when they visit your gig. So it's important that you showcase your talents so that your buyers will want to see more. Definitely utilize all tools that you have - the gig video, gig images, and your portfolio.

    In the beginning, my portfolio was the most important way for me to get orders. Especially when I didn't have many reviews.

    Since I didn't have a portfolio, I had to "create" projects to show off what I could do for my buyers. I spent most of my time creating my portfolio, and it paid off. Interested buyers would contact me and say, "I saw your work samples on your profile and I know you can do this." I would then listen to their project needs and tell them how I could deliver what they are looking for. I got orders because of my portfolio. 

    Having a good portfolio is wonderful because it helps your buyers visualize what they are looking for - many buyers don't know exactly what they want, so if you can show it to them and then explain all the details, you will most likely get an order.

    So in short - Keep your potential buyers happy because they lead to happy customers. 😊

    • Work on your portfolio so that you can attract interested buyers.
    • Show buyers that you can delivery what they want (via portfolio samples and good communication in the inbox).


    great tip on the portfolio, i will certainly build it. but the “your gig in search” part is where i’m struggling the most, because fiverr’s algorithm is completely unpredictable in who they choose to display on the front page, and who at the very bottom. both of my gigs, in their respective categories, are the latter. though i did just make them a few weeks ago (because since my first gig crashed hard, i put it on pause and made a new one. is that a good idea?)

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  2. my gigs’ performances haven’t been doing so hot. the only 2 orders i’ve gotten (one for each), i had to ask someone on another platform. i’m super confused as to why my gigs have been performing so poorly when i have clear, concise titles, good videos and photos, and my ratings are in the green. i always see the same solution of “just keep your customers happy” but how am i supposed to do that if i’m not getting orders, and therefore, have no customers TO make happy?

    this has been going on since early august

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  3. 24 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    Updating your gigs might also tell the algorithm that something new is going on. It has helped me somewhat after being in out of office-mode for a while. 

    Other than that, there's not much you can do. If you have some clients outside of Fiverr, you could always bring them here and do business with them via Fiverr. Getting some fresh orders, reviews and revenue will help you gain more visibility. 

    been there before. i did the above 👆 and it did help me get back on track, greatly so, but i’m back to where i was now. but from what i’ve seen, it’s all luck on whether the algorithm will even acknowledge your existence

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  4. 1 hour ago, ahasan6541 said:

    This is very good for you because you want to return to the previous line

    i don’t really know what that means. are you saying i’m on the right track to getting back in the green, that the solution i provided at the end of the OP is the right way to go?

    bare in mind, i did the rewrite 2 nights ago, and the re-contacting last night

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  5. my gig hit a sudden road bump. i guess someone was dissatisfied with their order and didn’t tell me, and then i overhauled the gig’s description because it was looking outdated, and now my engagement has taken a nosedive. how can i effectively get it back up if hardly anyone can see me? until now, my gig has been pretty popular, with plenty of orders and great reviews last month

    i’ve already tried updating the description (didn’t work) and messaging my old customers asking if they’d like to work with me again (no responses)

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