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Everything posted by wpexpert_mdrony

  1. 14 days performance of my gigs . but no order what should i do now ?
  2. As far as I know, disabling the fiverr temporary account is more likely to not get the account back
  3. Creating a new GIG will quickly result in several client messages. Very good impressions and very good clicks will come. Since then, no messages, no impressions, no clicks, But why ?
  4. Best of luck, keep up your good work with pray for me😜
  5. As a new feller. I want to know what kind of impressions and click should come from each gig. These are my impressions of the three days. I published 6 gigs. Marketing the gig properly on Twitter and LinkedIn. I can expect a very fast order fiverr.com/wpexpert_mdrony
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