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Everything posted by peterpan348

  1. Sometime i don't know what to look for specifically. "Programmer" or "Computer people" are all I know to look for when we have a sofware problem, but the there are "millions" of variations of programmers as it seems, i prefer to explain the problem in own layman words and hopefully someone understand the problem and offers to help. But the new request doesn't seem to reach out to general computer/programmer freelancers but handed over to only ONE "algoritm-choosen" freelancer as it seems, who will reply within a few seconds with something general like "Hi, i can solve this problem" and nothing more.
  2. It has nothing with budget to do. Im looking for people with expertise in areas where i have no clue about, So i need to explain the problem with my own layman words and hopefully someone who know to solve the task will reply with a general suggestion.
  3. I had hope that Fiverr-support or any buyers would suggest som more efficient request strategies. Sadly, as it is now, Fiverr is useless for us, and we are back at Freelancer.com again
  4. Very odd indeed as why they removed the well working old request. And by that, we moved away from Fiverr
  5. How to reach out to more sellers now when the old request is gone?
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